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A Discussion Of Depression And Its Solution

2018-12-25 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Discussion Of Depression And Its Solution,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了抑郁症。郁症是一种常见的精神疾病。在心理学上,抑郁症是指一种情绪障碍,表现为情绪上的显著而持久的消极情绪。抑郁症是一种复杂的疾病,它不仅具有生理易感性基础,而且与外界环境相互作用。



Depression is a common mental illness. In psychology, depression refers to an emotional disorder with the symptom of significant and lasting negative emotion, such as bad mood, pessimistic spirit, despair, lack of interest, or even lack the desire to live. Depression is a complex disease that not only has a physiological susceptibility base but also interacts with the outside environment. Thus, it is argued in this article that a system of curbing depression will be set up and used as the solution of depression on the basis of the diversity of cause of depression.


Depression as a major mental disease is plaguing more and more modern people and bringing about negative consequences to the society. The current social competition is increasingly fierce, and almost most of the people are working in the overloaded form. Thus,  it is easy to produce varying degrees of depression when people encounter mental stress, life setbacks, pain situation, illness and death, natural disasters, etc., which will produce depression with the mental symptom such as emotional feeling of being empty, and having no sense of value low mood, slow thinking, low self-evaluation, negative thinking, cognitive impairment, decreased ambitions and physical symptoms such as loss of appetite, significant weight changes, sleep problems, insomnia / drowsiness and so on. Those are some very common emotional and physical symptoms. After depression came, the vitality of life was deprived with the outbreak of the conflict of self and the environment. It is certainly necessary to take the initiative to adapt and adjust as the body is forcing people to rest, and forcing them to face their own heart, and their own alone. Almost everyone at some point feels depressed often because of some unhappy things in life. But persistent depression - lasting for a period of time is called severe depression is another issue. Severe depression is mainly caused by the patient's individual genetic system abnormalities, or changes in acquired environment. This leads to an emotional dysfunction, and long-term spontaneous depression with a series of depressive symptoms such as the barrier of social ability, being not gregarious, physical discomfort, loss of appetite, pessimistic attitudes, despair, hallucinations, delusion, functional decline and so on. Serious depression may be associated with suicide even if he patient's intellectual consciousness is clear and normal. Patients with severe depression will have serious suicide intention, and even suicidal behavior is under a serious threat to human health.

The depression is a complex mental illness which may be caused not only by biological reasons, but also by emotional, cognitive, social, behavioral and other non-biological factors. The etiology of depression is not clear, and the pathogenesis is also very complex as it is a result of the close interaction between person's physical condition, mental stress, social environment, living conditions, marriage and economic factors. A series of cognitive dysfunction are found to be linked with treatment resistant depression (TRD) marked by the presence of psychotic symptoms( Leinola, et al, 2016, p. 780). And it is often lacking obvious life events. According to a study conducted by Kiyafar, Zahra, et al(2017) on patients with Major Depressive Disorder , it is concluded that maladaptive schemas lead to the formation of psychopathology in individuals(44). Thus, psychotic depression is prone to be affected with manic episodes, and they are more likely to develop the bipolar disorders in the future. Thus, it will have more physiological aspects of the symptoms, such as weight loss, early awakening. The possibility of its pathogenic factors being biological is higher. By contrast, depression caused by environment tends to show lack of energy and other core symptoms include hallucinations, delusions and extreme retreat and other psychotic symptoms. Also, the shift work ;can become causes of depressive disorders as people who worked the second or third shift is more easy to have depressive disorders compared to people worked the first shift(Sperry, 549). And this depression is lacking obvious symptoms of mental illness. As a result, depression is a typical complex disease, from genes to the environment, which is interlocking based on mutual feedback. Depression is a complex mental disease, and each individual may have weak points in the whole link.

Given the complexity of cause of depression, it is advised to set up a system of solution methods of drug treatment, the establishment of effective interpersonal communication network, sports nutrition support and the use of psychological therapy etc aimed at different factors in leading to depression. Patients can be divided between Psychotic Mood Disorder (PMD) and non-psychotic Mood Disorders (MD) with a difference of the lifetime presence of at least one mood episode with psychotic features, and Non-psychotic mood episodes in patients may have a unique symptom profile and, thus a different response to treatment(Souery, et al, 250). There are complex psychological human beings, and thus they have created a complex world. The world is not perfect. Depression is not a weak performance, and everyone is likely to suffer from depression. It is necessary to give sick friends, family and neighbors a helping hand. The lifestyle interventions is useful on body weight and other cardiometabolic aspects for people with psychotic disorders like depression(Bruins, et al, 20). Depression can be cured, and people can not let depression prevail. Thus, it is important for people to work together to change the lifestyle to overcome this hidden disease. However, some of people's misunderstanding of depression creates a sense of disgrace of depression to a large extent. Thus, it has led to a low rate of treatment for some depressed patients. There is need of integration of knowledge of depression into the compulsory education system, so people can stop to use the experience to make some judgment and stop linking or even equating negative emotions with depression .

The solution of individual depression requires consideration of its main cause and the severity of depression given the persistently dynamic process and nature of depression. Depression is neither contagious nor a classic organic disease. Depression has no unique cause, but will manifest itself, both in the psychological and physical aspect. Given that depression is not just a single process but a complex disease, depression is formed on the basis of physiological susceptibility, its interaction with the external environment, and feedback, which show a series of the dynamic process. Depression is a comprehensive manifestation of a large system,which can not be resolved by a single gene, neurotransmitters, nerve cells, mental models, some separate environmental events and so on. The genome determines the biological aspect of an individual, but the diagnosis and development of the individual's depression depends largely on the interaction and experience of the individual and the outside world. Thus, a person or thing that is encountered every day by people is nothing to do with the biological nature of the individual. And instead, it is to rely on how the interaction and experience of the individual with the outside world is carried out. There is a current case which shows that there are some therapy-resistant psychotic-depressive disorders which show the trace of rapid remission during treatment with the use of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in combination with olanzapine(Braus,et al. 455). Thus, drugs are useful in dealing with depression to some degree. For the treatment of psychiatric depression, drugs on depression should be the first choice. But other diseases rather than psychotic depression is not an organic disease, which is caused more by psychological or social factors. So there are significant differences between the two. As to the use of medication, people in addition to consider the identification of endogenous or psychotic depression, but also to consider the severity of depression and whether there is a recurrence. If the degree of it is serious and it has repeatedly relapse, there is the need for drug therapy and then it can be supplemented by psychological counseling. If it is mild depression, it can be cured simply through psychological counseling, which will have a better effect. However, depression is often a dynamic and developmental process. Thus, how to treat it varies according to the situation and it is necessary to make adjustments. Different drugs is supposed to be used for different types of depression, and clinicians will  need to properly adjust the drug based on the efficacy of drugs. The treatment can not solve all the questions related to depression.

In addition to the solution of depression for the individual case, the most effective manner of treating depression is possibly to work on the social context and social factor leading to depression, in order to decrease the rate of depression in the modern society. According to the research results of study on a systematic review of popularity, and treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders in Pakistan, there are some factors actively associated with anxiety and depressive disorders such as “female sex, middle age, low level of education, financial difficulty, being a housewife, and relationship problems”(Mirza, and Jenkins, 794). With the rapid development of economy and society, not only the youth groups, but also the professional population are under great pressure. And the proportion of job burnout is relatively high. So the social stress and the problem related to it is an important cause of psychological problems of the modern people. Depression tends to attack those who are stressful, ambitious, and responsible, and this pressure is from their own internal pressure. Family, and marriage problem for a lot of people directly trigger the depression. Family is particularly important for children, and if the family suffered stress, and even violence, it leads to the adolescence and adult outbreak of depression after the root causes of depressions in childhood. Girls in other areas are to bear the pressure, such as sexual abuse. Economic level and income is also a factor in addition to family factors. In general, women's average income is low, and women will face some unequal situation from the opposite sex. Women are in the process of growing up to the pressure from additional social families. Women and men may have differences in self-esteem, self-concept, and coping with social patterns, and are risk factors for depression. At the same time, elderly people, maternal and sexual abuse, domestic violence, women, children left behind, disabled people are also prone to become focus groups of psychological behavior problems. Depression often has obvious roots from life events, and these events are usually an uncontrollable loss, especially in the loss of interpersonal relationships, such as divorce, death, unemployment, etc., thus, due to psychological and social factors influence, it caused the change of biological factors.


To sum up, part or all of the biological reasons, emotional, cognitive, social, and behavioral factors cause the body to show a series of "depressive symptoms". The causes of depression are complex as it may be caused by biological factors, psychological factors, living environment factors and so on. The complexity of depression determines the need for scientific and systematic treatment of depression. Thus, in this article, it is proposed that the discussion of the treatment, strategy, and solution of depression is supposed to be based on the identification of its main causes in a dynamic manner and also in the long run, the social context and social factor leading to depression should be addressed to curb the occurrence of depression.

Works cited

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Braus, D.F., et al. "Therapy-Resistant Psychotic-Depressive Disorder: Remission with a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor in Combination with Olanzapine." Clinical Drug Investigation, vol. 20, no. 6, Dec. 2000, pp. 455-459.

Kiyafar, Zahra, et al. "Investigating the Correlation between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Clinical Symptoms in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder with and without Psychotic Features." Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, vol. 19, no. 1, Jan/Feb2017, pp. 38-44.

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Souery, Daniel, et al. "Phenomenology of Psychotic Mood Disorders: Lifetime and Major Depressive Episode Features." Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 135, no. 1-3, Dec. 2011, pp. 241-250.

Sperry, Len. "Assessment in Marital Therapy: A Couples-Centered Biopsychosocial Approach." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research & Practice, vol. 45, no. 4, Dec. 1989, p. 546.


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