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Tea Drinking and Tea Utensils in the Dream of the Red Chamber

2018-12-22 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Tea Drinking and Tea Utensils in the Dream of the Red Chamber,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了红楼梦中的饮茶和茶具。在小说《红楼梦》中,其描述的生活具有一定的特色。在《红楼梦》中,饮茶和茶具非常重要。很明显,他们喝茶的方式和茶具是多种多样的。同时,饮茶文化在历史上源远流长,饮茶和茶具方面有着丰富的知识和文化。

Tea Drinking and Tea Utensils,茶,essay代写,paper代写,作业代写


The novel the Dream of the Red Chamber is mainly about the family stories in Qing dynasty. The whole novel is about Li daiyu and Jia baoyu. In the novel the Dream of the Red Chamber, there are so many characters. The life in the novel contains certain features. Tea drinking and tea utensils are very important in the society. It is obvious that they ways of tea drinking and tea utensils are various. At the same time, the culture of tea drinking is very long in the Chinese history. In the ancient time, some poets and scholar would like to drink tea. Later, tea becomes more and more popular in ordinary people’s life. Indeed, there is great knowledge and culture in tea drinking and tea utensils. It is necessary to discuss something about tea drinking and tea utensils in the novel. This paper aims at analyze the tea drinking and tea utensils in the Dream of the Red Chamber. The paper will mainly tell something about the way of tea drinking and tea utensils at that time and some others things that we can find from the eta drinking and tea utensils. This will be helpful for the future research in this topic.

Tea Drinking and Tea Utensils in the Qing Dynasty

Tea is very important in China. In Qing dynasty, tea was very popular in society. People would like to drink tea whether they were rich or poor. There were all kinds of tea in the market. Some tea has good quality and others with bad quality. There are many kinds tea in the novel. In the novel, we can see some great tea in the society. For example, maple tea is common in the novel. However, it is very difficult to get for the ordinary people. This kind of tea is very rich but has the good quality. This is also a kind of special tea in Qing dynasty. There are also some other good tea, such as: Lu'an tea (produced in Anhui ), Laojun eyebrows (produced in Dongting Lake), Pu'er tea (produced in Yunnan), Longjing (produced in Hangzhou West Lake), these are China's famous tea products. In ancient times, there are tribute tea. These products of tea also reflect the prominent and luxurious of Jia family.

Meanwhile, the water which is used for making the tea is very important, too. Good tea needs to use good water to bubble to show its special quality for others. A Dream of Red Chamber also talks something about the water of tea, the most prominent than the forty-first back to the novel "Drink snow tea in longcuian " in the wonderful tea which is used to treat for Jia’s family. The tea is used by Miaoyu. What She gave to Jia old woman was the tea "old years of rain water". It is not surprising, after a separate hospitality Daiyu, Baochai, gem when used in five years ago when she was in the mysterious tower of Pangxiang Temple, Plum blossom on the snow, with ghost face green urn buried in the ground "this summer" just out of it! (Xueqin, 2016). Although this is not necessarily desirable according to the current science, but at that time that kind of tea must be extremely rare and extremely high-end "tea" it! So we can see thereis great knowledge of the water for tea!

Another important factor is tea utensils. In Qing dynasty, the China was developed very great at that time.

Good horse with a good saddle, beautiful with heroes. This kind of good tea need good water and it also need good tea utensils. In the Dream of the Red Chamber, good tea utensils are too numerous! The most typical of the most precious and most peculiar in "Drink snow tea in longcuian" which contains the wonderful use of tea utensils! We see that the tea utensils which is used for Jia old woman on the "Begonia fancy carved lacquer fills Jinyun Long and it shows longevity of the small tea tray, which put a kiln multicolored small bells".  The tea utensils for Jia Mu is accompanying staff on the "color of the kiln off the fish to fill the white bowl"; the tea utensil for Daiyu is the "apricot rhyme "; the tea utensil for Baoyu is the "green jade bucket"(LIU, 2013). All of these tea utensils are rich and not easy to get it.

The characteristics of the tea utensils are as followings. First, the materials of the tea utensils are very rare and rich. Second, different tea uses different tea utensils. Third, there are some pictures on the tea utensils.

At the same time, the way of how to make tea drinking is also very important. Cooking tea is very important. This thing stresses the fire and the water temperature, or ruined a good tea. Now the science can be accurately measured out, but then by experience, there must be a high tea cannot lose the purity of tea. In the red floor Miaoyu called the tea ceremony master, and some tea is to cook, and some tea is a different temperature of the blisters, the book Road, "Miaoyu since the wind furnace fan roll water, another bubble a pot Tea (Zhi, 2009). “Here she knew that with a special cooker to boil water, another bubble pot said she knew that tea cannot be directly in the user's cup.

The function of tea in Qing dynasty

First, the tea was used for fete.The tea festival is an important part of the funeral. "Dream of Red Chamber" also has a description of the tea festival: such as the 14th of the novel, in Qin Keqing’s death, Wang Xi Feng to the funeral of the servant account of the six tasks, one of which there is "Feng tea" Pivot in the iron threshold Temple, the monks have to the dead to the tea; 58, Jia Baoyu heard that the official died is sad, that is, a cup of tea to sacrifice the souls. (Xueqin, 2016).

Secondly, the tea was used for wedding. Wedding tea is indispensable items. The man sent to the woman's bride called "Bu tea", "tea ceremony" woman to eat the man's tea, it has been Dingwei. "Dream of Red Chamber" 25th, Wang Xifeng met in the Red House in Lin Daiyu, asked about whether the gift of Siamese tea before tasting. (Xueqin, 2016). Lin Daiyu heard a smile: "You listen to this is to eat their home a little tea, to make a call." Xifeng laughed: "You eat my family's tea, why not give our family to do daughter-in-law?”. Everyone heard after laughing together.

Third, the tea was used for friendship. To tea friends, the tea as a gift to friends and family, in ancient China is not common things. "Dream of Red Chamber" also do not have such a plot, the first 24 back, write Wang Xifeng sent Siam tribute tea to Lin Daiyu; 26th, write gem to Lin Daiyu send tea; "girl Jia Hui laughed: 'I am good fortune, Lin girl to send tea there, spend my big sister to me to send, maybe the old lady to the girl to send money to the girl, is assigned to the girl who see me go, the forest girl caught two money to me, also I do not know how much. "Lin Daiyu reward tea maid is expressed gratitude to the gem, which contains the mercy of tea, only the two of them can understand.

Finally, the tea was used for keeping healthy. Some tea is good for stomach and some tea is good for sleep. Different tea has different function for the health. In Jia’s family, many people drink the tea just for keeping healthy. This is the same as the current usage of the tea.

What can find from tea drinking and tea utensils? We can find some culture from tea drinking and tea utensils. First, tea shows the statue and grade of characters in the novel. The Novel also uses the name of tea to show the status of characters. For example, Jia old woman is the leader of the Jia’s family, so she drinks Longjing tea to be able to show the great power. And the general servants can only drink ordinary inferior tea. The first 41 back to write Jia Mu led the crowd to visit the Grand View Garden, to the Tsui Um, the old lady that is to Miaoyu said: "Miaoyu is holding tea, the old lady said:" I do not eat Six tea. "Miaoyu that laugh:" know that this is Laojun eyebrows. (Xueqin, 2016). Why did not the old lady eat? The old lady of insight, life experience is extremely rich, well aware of the way of self-cultivation. The old lady refused to say: "Do not this, pour a cup of tea to drink me." This shows that the old man is a big life to know the tea is good. tea. How can she mix the tea? The old lady is right. A Laojun eyebrow is more suitable for her (Xueqin, 2016). Laojun eyebrows bends, full of white cents, pure as the birthday of the eyebrows; made of tea, tender, uniform, fresh, net, color green. In particular, its character is quite different from Lu'an tea: Lu'an tea "bitter", tea Juzhi astringent. And Laojun eyebrows are "sweet and drunk" aroma high and pleasant. That is to say, Lu'an tea, Laojun eyebrows are not novelist knitting novels when the random arrangement, but has its full theoretical and character basis. In these places, the reader may be negligent, but Cao Xueqin is meticulous (LIU, 2013). In line with Jia Mu Tak high expectations, the identity of a mother. Take Laojun, longevity meaning, show identity. The most interesting is Jia Mu eat half a lamp and then handed Liu grandma to eat. And Liu grandmother will eat, she laughed: good is good, is light, and then boil some more better. Jia’s famly all laughed. Liu grandmother scattered country, heavy physical labor, daily life diet is also heavier, so to say so, it is very natural.

At the same time, the tea shows different life of different people with different grade in society. "Dream of Red Chamber" Miss Tai to the Grand View Garden of the lotus in the tea, railing outside the bamboo case, above the tea with tea, each with a calendars, there are specialists to fan the furnace boiled tea. And the same is the tea, the first 17 back to write treasure to the people, to the gem of tea, people of course, cannot get into the kiln cup and "Laojun eyebrow", so Xiren had to come up with their own cups and tea to entertain Treasure Erye. In the 77 back of the novel, it is to the gem to see off the maidservants Qingwen, see the black sand hanging tea, tea bowl of oil smell of mutton smell, tea salty tasteless, and Qingwen feel like nectar, Go on (Xueqin, 2016).This is before and after the text on the tea revealed the status of the master and servant world, read it sad. The rich, the poor even the use of tea, drinking tea is so disparate this silent contrast, reflected in the feudal society between the strong contrasts between different classes.

In the first eight novels, when the treasure that he left the maple tea was drunk Lee grandmother, not only fell to the cup of tea spilled a snowy skirt, but also to drive away the grandmother. And on weekdays the most equal, tolerant, democratic Baoyu actually for a cup of tea and made such a fire, and Lee grandmother was also his nurse. Why is this? The main reason is that Lee grandmother chaos rules, the next person cannot jump to enjoy the level. Visible feudal social hierarchy of dignity! Regardless of personal temperament, social concepts need to be strictly followed. In the feudal society, there are different classes, strong class division.

In conclusion, there is great culture and knowledge in tea drinking and tea utensils. The tea is very important in Qing dynasty. In the novel the red Dream of red Chamber, the tea drinking and tea utensils plays the important role. From analysis of the tea drinking and tea utensils, we can find the social culture and knowledge at that time.


Xueqin, C. (2016). The Dream of the Red Chamber. Jester House Publishing.

Xueqin, C. (2015). HUNG LOU MENG: THE DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER (Vol. 1). Dalriada Books ltd.

LIU, B. Z., & TAN, S. M. (2013). Tea Art, Personality and Fate——Appreciating the Tea Art in Dream of the Red Mansions. Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences (Social Sciences), 5, 012.

Zhi-yao, W. A. N. G. (2009). Doubtless:" Dreams of Red Mansions" Was Written by Cao But Continued by Gao——Different Accounts of Jia Yucun’s Taking Office When Marrying Jiao Xing [J]. Journal of Tongren University, 2, 013.


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