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The university of Manchester model of education

2019-01-25 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The university of Manchester model of education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了曼彻斯特大学的教育模式。曼彻斯特大学的教学无统一或规定的教材。课程的授课方式有课堂讲授、小组讨论、以教师为主的讨论学习、学生为主教师为辅的讨论、学生互助小组讨论、专题报告、专题讨论等多种形式。授课式教育主要包含讲授课和讨论课两种模式,大课讲授,由主讲教授主讲,除了研讨类课程,每门课程都会设置大课讲授,讨论课有主讲该课程的教师辅助学生讨论,主要是对大课的补充。除课堂教学以外,学生还可以通过相关学科的多种形式的专题讨论,了解自己所关注的科学领域的研究状态。

university of Manchester,曼彻斯特大学的教育模式,essay代写,作业代写,代写

Graduate education, as the highest level of the education system, is the core of the cultivation of innovative talents. The innovation and optimization of postgraduate training mode is a necessary prerequisite for the cultivation of innovative talents. It is of great significance for the reform, innovation and scientific development of postgraduate training mode in China to study the characteristics of postgraduate training modes in different countries and their effects on the cultivation of talents' innovation ability.

The author was a visiting scholar at the university of Manchester from September 2010 to August 2011. During the study period, I followed the courses and attended lectures and trainings, and attended relevant international conferences. In this process, I deeply understand the characteristics of the postgraduate education model in the UK. As an internationally renowned university, the university of Manchester has a very international student background. Its doctoral graduates are included in the list of talents introduced from European countries, and the development education model of various disciplines can also be used for reference. At present, the postgraduate education in Chinese universities is increasingly developing towards internationalization. In order to cultivate students into international talents, what methods should the university adopt to create conditions for the internationalization of talent cultivation? This essay will analyze the research education model of the university of Manchester in the United Kingdom, and compare the shortcomings of domestic graduate education, hoping to learn from the experience of other countries, and provide recommendations on the support of English teaching for Non-English major graduate students in the international training of domestic graduate students.

There are two types of graduate students enrolled in British universities. One type is lecturing, with classroom teaching as the main method. Most of them are at the postgraduate level. The other is research type, with practical research as the main method, mainly for doctoral students. PhD students do not have to attend classes. A master's degree is usually one to two years, and can be taught either by electing a master's degree or by doing research. A master's degree can be awarded if a candidate passes an examination, presents a dissertation, or both. The doctoral degree is basically independent research, but I often meet with my tutor and discuss the topic content with him for many times. This paper mainly focuses on the analysis and discussion of the postgraduate education model of the university of Manchester.

Since most of the postgraduate education in universities in China is lecture-based, the following is a brief introduction and analysis of the lecture-based postgraduate curriculum of Manchester university. There is no uniform or prescribed teaching material for graduate students. The teaching methods of the course include classroom teaching, group discussion, teacher-based discussion and learning, student-led discussion and teacher-assisted discussion, student mutual aid group discussion, topic report, topic discussion and other forms. Lecture-based education mainly includes two modes: lecturing + discussion. Lecturing is taught by the lecturing professor. In addition to seminar courses, each course will be taught by lectures. For the same course, teachers can teach from one hour to two or three hours, and they can spend three or four hours discussing with students. Because in the discussion period, students will be divided into different groups to meet with the teacher in different time periods according to their different interests or project topics, each time for about one hour. Therefore, for the same course taught by teachers, teachers may need to meet with students in four time periods. In teaching class, the professor will make a simple comprehensive guidance on a project, the contents are briefly summarized, belongs to heuristic, then the project list many reference books, which requires students to do a lot of reading to cooperate with the teacher after class before class lectures, so teachers will according to the schedule will be granted by reference books, teaching content, related to the content of reference literature, past examination papers and homework material paste on the Internet, students can through the selection of campus network, registered training course, and get the selected courses on the Internet all kinds of form a complete set of data, including the class courseware, reference reading articles, etc., After class, students need to do a lot of reading and summary records for later group discussion. Students can obtain the reference books, references and courseware provided by teachers through the Internet before class, and preview the teaching content in advance. Students will constantly raise questions about the course, which will be answered by teachers or discussed among students. This teaching form fully mobilizes students' learning initiative and enthusiasm. Group discussion sessions are teacher-led group discussions that ask students to comment on the readings. It is up to the teacher to decide the mode and schedule of teaching. In addition to classroom teaching, students can also learn about the research status of the scientific field they are concerned about through various forms of thematic discussions in related disciplines. At the beginning of the semester, the translation center of the school of linguistics at the university of Manchester arranges lectures for the whole academic year, which are specific to the lecturer and the abstract of the lecture. The speakers are from different universities in the UK or other European countries.

Every school year is divided into two semesters, each semester teaching schedule 10 weeks, 6 weeks of the first semester as the reading week, students focus on a week time reading, teachers of courses and teaching content is closely related to the research direction, references to provide students a year update, representing the dynamic to the current study in this field, students have access to the latest research results during the course, and get the engaged in the field of scientific research workers, synchronize the students with the teacher standing in the forefront of the field. The second semester lasts for ten weeks, with nearly 20 days off for Easter in April. The course ends in early may, and students begin to review exams or write papers. June is arguably academic conference month. Interdisciplinary seminars on different topics are held frequently by master and doctoral students themselves. The university of Manchester school of social sciences is focusing this month on training and lectures on research methods in the humanities, ranging from social survey methods to the design of interview details.

With the rapid development of science and technology and the demand of social and economic globalization, the international training of postgraduates has gradually developed, and has become an important measure for the cultivation of innovative talents. There are various forms of international training of postgraduates, and different international training strategies can be adopted according to the specific conditions of the school. Many schools adopt the mode of 3+2 education in cooperation with foreign universities, or jointly train doctoral students. This model will send students who meet certain requirements to foreign universities in the last year or two of the learning stage to complete the writing of graduation thesis in foreign countries. This kind of internationalization of education has become an inevitable trend, but the internationalization of graduate students is not only to send graduate students to foreign countries, more important is to implement the internationalization of graduate students in China, there are also many forms of internationalization of graduate students in China: Such as the introduction of original English teaching materials for domestic graduate student teaching material, invited foreign to domestic well-known experts and scholars to do academic report, graduate students are encouraged to attend international academic conferences, and foreign famous universities or research institutions to carry out the scientific research cooperation and joint training graduate students, etc., internationalization of graduate student training is to improve the quality of postgraduate education to enhance, for the present social development and progress of science and technology develop more creative talents is an important step.

However, in the process of international training of postgraduates, the learning process of students under joint training in foreign countries is not smooth, and the biggest obstacle is the language barrier. The main problems encountered by domestic visiting scholars and exchange students in the university of Manchester are as follows: insufficient academic reading ability; insufficient oral expression ability. Non-english major domestic visiting scholars and overseas students from China generally report that their listening ability will gradually improve as they adapt to the characteristics of the professor's lectures, and they basically have no problem understanding the courses. But in addition to the professor's lecture class, general and group discussion, at this moment, professor sometimes sends down a dozen pages or even dozens of pages of reading materials on the spot, and then give their evaluation idea, when compared with other countries for international students, Chinese students and visiting scholars have obvious difference, one is reading speed and understanding ability is far behind, the other students is quick read through quickly, and many Chinese students still to read sentence by sentence; Other international students can express a lot of ideas in a short time smoothly, but many Chinese students have difficulty in doing so.

For the purpose of cultivating students' ability to communicate in international academic conferences, the oral English class for graduate students can train students to make presentations in the first step. That is to say, Presentation speech, which means that students should write the outline of the speech on slides suitable for projection before making the speech, or make Presentation courseware and project it on the big screen. The theme of the speech can include introducing things, expressing the features or historical origin of common things in English, using English as a tool to express the professional knowledge learned during undergraduate or work, and learning and exercising my ability of English and Chinese language conversion in the process of expression. For example, business school students present their marketing strategies for promoting a product. Students majoring in tourism show tour routes or tour products; Students majoring in industrial design introduce their products. Mechanical students to promote their own development of new machines or new technology; Students majoring in social public management introduce existing problems or new management concepts; Zihuan majors introduce the use of some kind of environmental energy and so on. The second step is to conduct international conference listening and speaking training. Students are required to simulate an international conference by reading conference papers and communicating with foreign counterparts. On the basis of classroom demonstration speech training, continue to open international conference English courses, using the skills of demonstration speech to maximize the students' "learning to use", quickly strengthen the ability of students in public speaking in English. In the class, students will understand the writing characteristics, writing requirements and writing standards of international conference English papers through the explanation and analysis of examples, and master the skills of academic English speech through the explanation and analysis of papers and academic reports. After the training of speech, writing and reading skills, students are required to write an academic paper of about 4,000 words in English. It can be a translation of a published work or a previous manuscript, but is more recommended to be written directly in English. On this basis, make an academic report in English, the speech time can be extended to 15 minutes, so that students can more fully express their paper. After the presentation of the paper, other students are required to ask questions about the content of the paper, and peer experts' communication on the same topic is simulated to train students' response ability.

The English writing class can learn from the flexible and diverse teaching methods of the university of Manchester, which can be divided into large classes to explain the basic writing essentials, and then divided into different groups for discussion according to the topic selection of the major. The process of discussion among students is the process of learning from each other. International academic paper writing can be specifically carried out in the following aspects, relevant literature query, mainly training students' academic literature retrieval ability; Searching and consulting professional literature in the library or online to train students' ability to read professional literature; Writing abstracts and recording information, training students to write abstracts, and ultimately contribute to the writing of the literature review part of the paper. Finally, the thesis is written, and the format and form of the thesis are modified in strict accordance with the international academic paper norms, so as to make every effort to keep up with the international standards.

The education and training mode of the university of Manchester gives the postgraduates a lot of independent space and cultivates their innovative thinking ability. Its graduate students are highly competitive in the world. Training has become a trend of internationalization, now domestic universities graduate students cultivation mode in a variety of internationalization, the school should increase the frequency of graduate student academic discussion on one hand, students are encouraged to take an active part in international academic conferences, journals published papers in foreign countries, and also should strengthen the reform of postgraduate English teaching at the same time, make it play a role in the process of internationalization of graduate student training, graduate student English classroom academic English writing as well as the international conference on English speech training will help domestic students and joint training exchange students can confidently international academic exchanges with colleagues.


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