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British social groups participate in education management

2019-01-08 来源: 51due教员组 类别: 更多范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- British social groups participate in education management,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国社会团体参与教育管理。16世纪之前,英国并没有完整的教育体系,学校教育一般都掌握在教会、行会或者个人手中,教育是一种民间活动,国家不开办学校和管理学校教育。工业革命之后,社会各行业、各阶层的人在观念、知识、技术、能力等方面都提出了新的要求,使教育开始被重视,国家于是开始干预和控制教育,通过各种手段对教育进行管理、指挥、监督。但由于教育最初在民间开展,所以社会团体管理教育的传统并未被完全摒除,社团参与仍然是英国教育管理的一项重要内容,并在法律中确认社团在参与教育管理中的地位。

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Before the 16th century, there was no complete education system in Britain. The school education was generally controlled by churches, guilds or individuals. Education was a kind of folk activity. After the industrial revolution, people from all walks of life put forward new requirements in terms of concepts, knowledge, technology and ability, etc., making education begin to be valued. Therefore, the state began to intervene and control education and manage, lead, command and supervise education through various means. But as a result of education first carried out in private, so social organizations traditional management education have not been fully eliminate, community participation is still is an important content of the education management, and confirmed in the legal community in the status of participation in education management, such as the education reform act of 1988 for the school board composition at length, content, activity programs, etc.

The public or the government shall consult with social groups on education issues. The main consultation contents include the consultation on the government, including the education policy, the investigation and research on the government's education policy, the concentration and coordination of all parties' views, and the provision of advice to policy makers. Education work consulting, relevant education work feasibility and predictive research, and put forward specific programs; Education allocation consultation, on the implementation of education policy and education activities required funds for the implementation of the consultation. In addition, there are social counseling, such as students parents, school teachers and so on. Social groups with education consulting function are generally assumed by professionals, including experts and scholars, education administrative staff, teachers and parents of students, etc. They generally have profound knowledge, keen thinking and systematic analysis ability, and master certain scientific decision-making methods and techniques.

Britain is one of the first countries in the world to establish the supervision system. In 1839, Britain appointed two national school inspectors for the first time, and gradually formed the British education supervision system. In 1993, the Office for Standards in Education was established in the UK, becoming a national Education supervision institution. It is an independent institution with internal board system. At least four board meetings are held every year, and the meeting documents are made public for people to check. The education standards agency aims to strengthen central government monitoring of education quality across the country. The main task of education standard bureau is to establish evaluation standard and efficient evaluation system. Conduct education supervisory assessment as requested by education minister; To formulate regulations on the preparation of supervision reports by school supervisors, and to publicize the supervision reports; Supervise the work of school supervision and strengthen self - construction. The supervision scope of education standard bureau includes national primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, normal schools managed by the qualification committee, teacher training work and private schools at and below the middle level, as well as education work of local education administrative departments.

The education decision of the association is mainly reflected in its influence on relevant education issues, such as policies, policies and systems. After World War II, the British government usually appointed a committee of experts to investigate and submit the investigation report before a education legislation. Therefore, the investigation report of experts or various advisory committees would often become the blueprint for the government's education decision-making. In addition to the macro education decision, the community will also make education decisions on the micro level. British school boards, for example, it is the primary and secondary school affairs decision-making organization, its main function is to develop extracurricular work and school education, the class the students' academic performance and moral, professional guidance, students up grade opinions, to keep, to consolidate and strengthen the relationship with parents, etc., also play an important role in education policy. In England and wales in 1986 "education law" regulation of the school board member for 8 ~ 24, the number of types according to the school and to determine the number of students, a quarter of the members for the local management agencies, representing a quarter from school administrators, teachers, if the school scale is larger, can also come from the school of education staff representatives, a quarter of the representative for the students and their parents, the remaining 1/4 local representatives of the social from all walks of life for the school, in addition to school outside of the chairman of the board of directors for the education teaching staff representatives of the social from all walks of life.

British society of education assessment, mainly including the school's assessment, assessment of qualifications, etc., including a review of the school, including the evaluation of the quality of teaching, the quality of scientific research evaluation, evaluation of professional education colleges and universities, etc., to set up professional education of colleges and universities, only after assessment can direct access to the student membership; Qualifications are assessed by professional associations, such as the British society of civil engineers, which requires a professional education assessment organised by the society of civil engineers.

The education certification of social organizations is mainly the certification of various qualification certificates. Through strict examination of the applicant's qualification and conditions, professional qualification can be granted and issued. In this way, the industry standard can be controlled and the quality of industry disciplines can be guaranteed. Such as the Royal Society of Art awarded qualification certificate in business, language, business and technology education association awarded qualification certificate, business, professional education before the board of directors of the joint set up professional education before the certificate, the certificate is after 16 years old student in school or further education colleges, it mainly includes the basic disciplines and professional electives, after 1 year of learning can be achieved, the purpose is for students to prepare for the general work career. These are the vocational qualifications of certification bodies, as well as for the overall development of students organizations, such as the British quality education development certification center.

The excellent historical tradition, policy support, sound legal system, regulatory system, self-discipline system, open system and perfect participation in education management system of the British society make it trusted by the public and play an important role in participating in education management.

The majority of British citizens believe in Christianity, which teaches people to be kind to clear their own guilt. Therefore, in these countries, people often do good deeds to help those in need, which implicitly supports the development of charity in their country and thus promotes the development of their own communities. In the UK, almost 90% of people volunteered, do something for charity or voluntary organizations, its do generally is voluntary and free, while also actively making donations to charity, to take part in a volunteer service has 19.8 million people a year, among them there are 12.7 million people attend once a month.

The alignment of the government and the community can make up its rapid development, the British government that adopt the alliance with society to promote the development of society, in 1998, the British government first signed the agreement on relationship between government and voluntary and community organizations, established partnership between the government and society as a national policy, emphasizing the consistency between the government and community on the values and functions of complementarity and good relations of cooperation.

The corporate law, British made earlier and more perfect, in the promotion and specification, played an important role in community development, but due to the different historical period will appear different national conditions, so it's law is not static, need to constantly revised according to the new situation, the law can keep pace with The Times to adapt to the new situation. The charity act of 1601 has been revised several times in the past 400 years, including the charity trust act of 1853, the charity trust act of 1954, the entertainment charity act of 1958, the charity act of 1960, the charity act of 1992, the charity act of 1993 and the charity act of 2006. In addition, different laws apply to different types of associations in different fields. The UK has established special laws for different types of associations to ensure their normal and orderly development.

The normal and orderly operation of British communities is inseparable from its all-round and perfect supervision and management system, which includes government supervision, industry self-discipline, internal supervision and social supervision of social groups. The government's supervision of social organizations is mainly through the formulation of laws to regulate their behaviors and activities, and the establishment of special regulatory departments to regularly review the associations. Relevant industry self-regulation regulation shall be supervised, that is, a certain industry shall set up its own regulation and standard system to guide, constrain and regulate the development of the industry. Internal supervision is mainly carried out through the establishment of special departments or mutual supervision departments. Social supervision is mainly carried out through the information disclosure system, especially the financial information disclosure that the public is more concerned about, such as the annual report, financial income and expenditure details, etc. If ordinary people want to know about the information of the association, they can also take the initiative to ask the association to make the information public.

The British society has the characteristics of diverse forms, wide range and strong participation in education management, and gradually exists as the "auxiliary administration" role of the government, which has become a major driving force for the development of education in the UK. British community participation in government or school reform, policy and so on, the investigation of the community can be used as the government or the school decision-making condition, before the government in formulating policies tend to entrust social organizations to investigate, not only can lighten the burden of government, and social groups by survey can strengthen the credibility of the decision, such as Britain's school board.

To sum up, the participation of British associations in education management has excellent historical tradition, social basis and legal guarantee, and is characterized by universality, standardization and richness. The content and methods of each association participating in education management are not single, but different and rich. As the main form of social groups, charities and voluntary organizations such as community in the education management constitutes a unique application procedures, personnel composition, sources of funds, organization and management systems and mechanisms, and the review and evaluation, evaluation and decision based in combination with the basic principles, such as in the UK education management plays a very important role, and playing an increasingly important role.


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