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Assignment代写:The crisis of faith in the west

2018-05-21 来源: 51due教员组 类别: 更多范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The crisis of faith in the west,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西方的信仰危机。信仰作为一种肯定性的思维方式,其独特的功能表现为巨大的凝聚力。如今,随着科学技术的进步,使西方人逐步怀疑和放弃基督教信仰而转向对理性的依赖,这无疑是另类形式的信仰。基督教信仰被抛弃,理性和自主人格的信仰又无法保持和谐,相互抵触,濒临崩溃,而西方世界又没有一个能普遍接受的世界观,因此现代西方文化正面临空前的信仰危机,正处于一个重要的转折点。

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The crisis is "a serious danger to the survival of success or failure". It is small to a belief, big to a nation, the state and so on have certain quality things will lose their own regulation, to the survival of the critical juncture. The western culture crisis is that western culture is already facing the latent disaster machine. It is true that the west has a long tradition of history, which has profoundly influenced the course of world history. It has created a splendid cultural achievement, which has greatly enriched the world cultural treasure house. Today, western culture is still attractive to non-westerners. Freedom, human rights, welfare, fashion... It is not unlike the magnet that attracts people, even as people have equated modernization and globalization with westernization. At the root of all these admirable cultural features are benefiting from Christianity.

In the west, there was a time when Christianity seemed to be a glue that could bind cultures together. It absorbs and embraces ancient Greece, Roman culture, jewish culture, and barbarian culture: it promotes fairness and justice, and it teaches us to "love one another, just as I love you." "There is no greater love than this for a man to lay down his life for his friends, that I command you, that you love one another." Jesus Christ became flesh and made atonement for the world with his holy blood and flesh. He will let his lovers and those who do good go to the kingdom of heaven and let the wicked go to hell. This is a great comfort. Westerners desire to enter the kingdom of heaven, leading to the "city of god" without darkness and evil. Thus they believed that human freedom, dignity, and law came from god who did all things.

While the west is in the midst of a cultural crisis, it is in the midst of a profound crisis of faith, or the crisis of faith that led to today's cultural crisis. "Faith is the basic attitude of a person, the character trait that permeates all his experiences, and the belief that he is able to face reality without illusions, and to live by faith." Faith as a positive way of thinking, and its unique features characterized by huge cohesive force, it is this belief to get their own qualities, cohesion shows his own reality, form their own vitality. It is this practical function and vitality that ensures that the state of mind of the human mind will not become an elusive blind stream of consciousness due to the dispel force of doubt. The belief crisis is the original belief that the effect of the dispel force of the suspected mechanism from the belief to the confusion, from the confusion to the anxiety, from the anxiety to the disillusionment, that is the total loss and collapse of the faith.

The science and technology based on observational experiments made god redundant, making westerners gradually suspect and abandon Christianity and turn to rational dependence. This is undoubtedly an alternative form of faith. However, the above cultural crisis shows that reason cannot solve the problems caused by science and technology, but it leads to a mechanical world view. In such a world view, people are treated as objects of natural objects, not to consider the value and significance of life. It is now legal to use people as objects, to manipulate and destroy others for their own purposes. The results of this change have led to the genocide of the last century, the holocaust and other abuses of human rights.

Therefore, modern people are dissatisfied with themselves as a mechanical person without personality, and they propose the concept of autonomous personality, which inevitably leads to ethnic discrimination and egoism. Christian faith is abandoned, rational and independent personality of belief and can't maintain harmony, contradictory, on the verge of collapse, and the western world and is not a generally accepted view of the world, therefore the modern western culture is facing an unprecedented crisis of faith, is at an important turning point. Westerners who are in a state of crisis are beginning to despair of history, see the reality of the world, and lose faith in the future. "At that time there was a sense of emptiness in all things, and for those who were lost in themselves, it was the two ways to relieve the emptiness of religious discipline and indulgence." So the biggest problem for westerners is that they have lost hope. This despair is in stark contrast to the unending progress of the first world war that marked the ascendancy of the west. Young people no longer believe that they can live a richer life than their parents, nor do they see any new hope to save them.

Religion as an important culture phenomenon, is an important part of human culture, since the day it was born, it occupies the important position of human civilization and profoundly affects almost all the cultural field. Religion and human life are inseparable. Religion is the root of human civilization and the product of human wisdom. The Christian culture and the Greek and Roman culture are regarded as the source of western culture, abandoning this root, and the western culture has become a source of water without a source. "The essence of Christianity is the affirmation of the world through the negative experience of the world. In the eschatological world view of the negation of the world, Jesus declared the ethic of positive love.

The development of Christianity for two thousand years shows that it is constantly changing according to the development of The Times and the changes of people's psychological needs. It is not an established, static entity, but a developing religion of history. For example, the concept of "god" was originally a symbol of the power of salvation; In the middle ages, it was the power of order; In the 19th century, it was the embodiment of eternal love and eternal justice; In the 20th century, it became the structure of the noble spirit. Therefore, Christianity in the early period was the world view of the poor people in the west, later as feudalistic world view, then later became the world view of the bourgeois. Now, it will usher in a new development that will once again prove its vitality.

Christianity is the largest religious group in the world. Although the Christian world is facing an unprecedented crisis of the faith, christians are gradually give up of faith, but still is enduring the westerners to the Christian faith, higher proportion of people who believe in god always. Even in high-tech America, the religious atmosphere is very strong, because it has social functions and psychological functions that the government or other institutions cannot.

The rapid development of science and technology has made the competition among people extremely cruel. Westerners are prone to anxiety, emptiness and loneliness, which can be explained by the surge in the number of psychiatrists. But psychologists can't replace Christian faith, it can't give people a true sense of belonging and get psychological comfort.

In addition to worldly life, human beings need spiritual life and spiritual pursuit. In the unsatisfactory reality, there is also the ideal prospect; Beyond the shores of freedom, there is a view of the other side of freedom. For only in the spiritual world, in the imagined world, in the other side of the world, can human beings escape from the "shackles" of worldly life and reach the realm of total freedom. In the face of great crisis in western culture, the future is full of disaster. Christianity relies on its own vitality and irreplaceable social and psychological functions to raise the sail of hope. It teaches people to love their neighbor as themselves and to respect life. It provides god, heaven and eternity; It constructs a "Noah's ark" for the spiritual life of westerners, where westerners can get "meaning" again and find spiritual home.


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