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Cybercrime of college students

2019-08-05 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Cybercrime of college students,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了大学生网络犯罪。如今,大学生网络犯罪主要是使用网络进行在线欺诈交易、使用互联网盗窃他人财产等犯罪行为传播给他人、利用互联网传播反动言论和制造网络病毒等。要想解决这个问题,我们必须以预防为原则,从多方面加以预防,努力有效遏制大学生网络犯罪的高发现象。


The popularity of the Internet makes it play an increasingly important role in the study and life of college students. College students are a group following the trend of The Times. All kinds of new technologies and achievements are gaining popularity among college students. The Internet is a necessary product for college students in their college life. College students' familiarity with and understanding of the Internet leads to this group's easy access to the methods of cyber crime. At the same time, due to their young age, college students are prone to impulsiveness, lack of comprehensive consideration, and are easily tempted or misled by wrong ideas to commit crimes through the Internet.

In a circuit system, a circuit or part of a circuit consisting of components used to transmit electrical signals according to certain requirements; Such as "interpersonal network", "information", "communication network", etc.; Computer network: multiple autonomous computer systems interconnecting communication lines and equipment in different locations, sharing hardware and software according to common network protocol, and finally realizing resource sharing. The network in the research of college students' cyber crime refers to computer network.

Freedom, the Internet is a virtual kingdom of freedom without borders, freedom of information flow, freedom of speech and free use of users; Open, the Internet is the world's most open computer network, any computer as long as it supports TCP/IP protocol can connect to the Internet to share information and other resources; Free, on the Internet, although there are some payment services, most Internet services are provided for free, and there are many information and resources on the Internet that are also free. Equality, the Internet is "no hierarchy", computers are as good as anyone else, no one is better than everyone else on the Internet, who you are only depends on how you operate through the keyboard.

Cybercrime is a general term for criminals who use computer technology to attack their systems or information through the network, destroy or use the network to commit other crimes. It includes crimes committed by criminals using programming, encryption, and decoding techniques or tools on their networks, as well as crimes committed by software actors, network systems or product encryption agents, and legal loopholes. It also includes crimes committed by criminals in the network system because of their particular position in the isp or other means. In short, cybercrime is a crime against and using the Internet. The basic characteristics of network crime are the security and order of network and its information.

Compared with traditional crime, cyber crime has some unique characteristics: low cost, rapid spread and wide spread; Interactive, high concealment, difficult to obtain evidence; Serious social harm; Cybercrime is a typical computer crime. First, low cost, rapid spread and wide spread. As far as email is concerned, it costs much less than traditional postage, especially for mail sent abroad. With the development of the Internet, emails can be sent to large Numbers of people in a matter of seconds at the click of a keyboard. Theoretically, the recipients are people from all over the world. Interactive, highly cryptic and difficult to obtain evidence. The development of network has formed a virtual computer space, which not only eliminates national boundaries, but also breaks social and spatial boundaries, making two-way and multi-directional communication possible. The description of everything in this virtual space is just a bunch of cold password data, so whoever owns a password gains control over property and other rights, you can log in anywhere. Serious social harm. With the development of computing information technology, everything from defense and electricity to banking and telephone systems are now digital and networked, and once these sectors are invaded and destroyed, the consequences will be unimaginable. Cybercrime is a typical computer crime nowadays. There are many theories about what computer crime is, but the double definition is more scientific. Cybercrime is a common form of voyeurism, copying, changing or deleting computer data, information crime, spreading destructive viruses, logic bombs or placing backdoors. This is a typical computer-based crime, and online pornography spreads crime. Crimes of humiliation, jealousy and terrorism as well as fraud, incitement and other crimes are crimes committed at crime scenes using virtual Spaces formed by computer networks as criminal tools.

According to the current situation of college students' cyber crimes, it can be concluded that college students' cyber crimes mainly take the following forms:

Use the Internet for fraudulent online transactions. Shopping online is playing an increasingly important role in people's life. At the same time, the e-commerce industry is replacing the traditional meeting of buyers and sellers with a large number of market transactions. In this kind of virtual online transaction, consumers usually only use the network to understand the product information and solve the problem through electronic banking. This provides a lot of opportunities for college students to commit cyber crimes. Online fraudulent transactions of college students are mainly conducted through online business activities, such as setting up online shops and setting up auction websites.

Use the Internet to spread crime such as theft and other property to others. The network itself is not invulnerable, the network itself has a variety of vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities. College students use their rich computer knowledge and exquisite computer technology to illegally invade others' computers through the Internet, obtain information from others and infringe on others' property. Such as hacking into financial accounts or using other people's accounts to commit online crimes.

Use the Internet to spread reactionary remarks and endanger national security. There is a lot of information on the Internet, but the content is mixed, with a lot of mixed ideas and cultures. College students are an impulsive group. They tend to control emotions impulsively and are used by illegal elements. It is believed that rumors or decadent culture will gradually erode and affect normal. Therefore, thinking mode USES the Internet to spread reactionary speech on the Internet, increase discrimination and hatred, destroy national unity, and affect social stability.

Creating Internet viruses can cause social panic. College students are weak in legal awareness, and they often develop some viruses for their own purposes. They show their ability by the serious consequences they have caused, and they don't know that their actions seriously endanger social security.

In order to effectively safeguard social security and better protect the rights and interests of the general public from being infringed, we should promote the healthy growth of university students. It is necessary to take prevention as the principle, to prevent from many aspects, and to effectively curb the high incidence of college students' cyber crimes.

First, we must implement various network technology regulatory measures. Relevant departments of the network government should pay attention to strengthen the supervision of network crimes, completely abandon the previous concept of only focusing on construction and application but ignoring management and security, and constantly strengthen the network law enforcement, so as to create a network to provide a safer network environment for college students. Secondly, we should improve the network legislation to ensure that there are laws and regulations, and actively learn from foreign legislative experience for our use, so as to better improve China's network crime legislation system. Finally, moral education should be carried out for college students. On the basis of strengthening the traditional moral education, network moral education can not be ignored. Finally, we should strengthen the construction of campus culture. We should actively guide college students to make rational use of computer network. The key is to use the network to solve the related problems in study and life, instead of relying on the network all the time, so as to eliminate the negative impact of the bad network culture to the greatest extent. Let it enjoy a healthy and happy life.


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