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Economic benefits brought by the development of green buildings

2019-07-10 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Economic benefits brought by the development of green buildings,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了绿色建筑发展带来的经济效益。绿色建筑的经济效益,在低碳经济的大环境下,分为内部和外部的效益。内部效益主要是进行绿色建筑的过程中,在生命周期内所形成的经济效益,也就是建筑材料、大量的土地资源和水资源以及能源等,形成的效益以及实际运营过程中的建筑效益。外部效益主要有环境效益以及社会效益,其中环境效益主要是室内的以及室外的环境效益,社会效益主要社区的效益,微观和宏观的社会效益。

green building,绿色建筑经济效益,essay代写,paper代写,作业代写

Green building are mainly construction project will play the role and effect of building itself, that is to people's life and work to provide a comfortable environment, ensure human normal, healthy living, at the same time, in the process of the construction project, to the local natural environment can't be destroyed, to ensure that the ecological balance, let the natural environment, form the harmonious coexistence between human and the building of state of balance, to achieve sustainable development. In addition, green buildings not only create a high-quality environment for human survival, but also save a lot of resources. In the process of construction, the concept of green building should be integrated to make full use of resources, and environmental factors should be paid attention to ensure that the environment is not threatened. At present, China's green building in the process of development and management, and developed countries are far from the gap, the country is developing step by step, the improvement of people's living standards, the need to improve the green building economy.

The economic benefits of green buildings, in the context of low-carbon economy, are mainly composed of two parts: internal benefits and external benefits. Internal benefits mainly refer to the economic benefits formed in the process of green building during its life cycle, that is, the benefits formed by building materials, a large amount of land resources, water resources and energy, as well as the building benefits in the actual operation process. External benefits mainly include environmental benefits and social benefits, among which the environmental benefits are mainly indoor and outdoor environmental benefits, social benefits of main communities, micro and macro social benefits.

As a real estate developer, green buildings should have a long-term vision rather than focus on immediate interests. Although green building in the early stage of the design, construction stage, using a large number of environmental protection material, on the construction technology and cost are increased, but from a long-term point of view, in which the application of energy saving, water saving technology will constantly improve with the use of the building, ultimately achieve the result of lower cost, promote the green building development is to implement the powerful tools for the economic benefit, environmental benefit and win-win. The cost of green building mainly comes from the four stages of design, construction, maintenance and recycling. Real estate units should do a feasibility study on the project at the early stage of the project construction to view the economic benefits of the building from the perspective of low-carbon environmental protection.

Green building not only has economic benefits but also satisfies the requirement of social benefit, ecological benefit at the same time, adopted in the construction of a large number of environmentally friendly materials, although in the early stage of the technology and the cost of capital investment is larger, but the ability to reduce the environmental pollution and resource waste, improve the utilization rate of land through recycling and energy saving technology to improve the utilization efficiency of natural resources. Green buildings pay more attention to the impact on the environment in the aspects of preliminary design, construction plan and construction waste treatment, etc., while rainwater collection devices such as building roof and greening also improve the utilization efficiency of water resources, and the low-carbon concept can improve the air environment around the community and reduce the risk of people falling ill.

At present, many banking institutions want to seize a large number of green loans resources. However, in China's lending, the bank capital is not enough, leading to a lot of credit rate increase, the financing cost of enterprises virtually increased. Therefore, facing this kind of problem, enterprises should deal with the problem of financing, which requires strict management and analysis. At present, the green building, to the state's strong support and help, building production units and scientific research units are insufficient funds in the first case to effectively address, at the same time the government departments should strengthen the construction of green building financing system, realize the sharing platform of investment, on the other hand, can give the construction unit to provide guarantee services, from fully will solve the problem of insufficient funds; to ensure the healthy, normal development of green building projects.

At present, the construction industry in China is developing steadily and moving towards stability. In engineering construction projects, green building, in the overall cost analysis, mainly includes the cost of building decision-making and design, the cost of building construction and building use and maintenance, the cost of building recycling and scrap, and so on. In the analysis of the actual economic benefits of green buildings, there are clear expenditures for the environmental and social benefits of construction projects, and detailed evaluations are needed to reduce the use of energy for construction projects and improve environmental protection. In the future, in the development process of China's construction industry, we should first consider the low carbon economy and develop the green building industry, which will bring far-reaching influence to the development of China's construction industry.


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