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Foreign university exam management analysis--美国留学生Report代写范文

2016-09-29 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Report范文

美国留学生Report代写范文:“Foreign university exam management analysis”,这篇论文主要描述的是考试的目的就是为了检验教学的质量以及学生学习的效果,在现如今的大学,有不少的学生为了能够通过考试,不惜铤而走险的采用不诚信的作弊方式,造成这种事情的发展除了学生本身的问题外,考风考纪的不严格也是发生此类事件的主要原因之一,本文以大学的考试管理为例,将考试分为前中后三大阶段,并探讨了如果通过科学的管理方式来做好考试准备工作。

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Examination is to test the effect of learning and teaching important means to measure student test scores is an important indicator of competitiveness, therefore, some students hesitate to take risks, to take the exam means bad faith in order to get beyond their level of scores. According to the survey, the impact of external factors, cheating in examinations, ranked first in the "Kaofengkaoji lax"; Cheating in aggravating factors, ranked first in the "cheating favorable conditions"; in reducing exam Cheating factors, in the first row is the "education of students," came in second place is the "Strict Kaofengkaoji" [1]. Test the wind is not exactly right to study hard, serious answer, not a blow to the students of cheating, is not study hard, fraud, opportunistic students an irresponsible indulgence, more deeply in saying that these students a harming, but also on good parents an extreme injury. Test the wind errors directly affect the style of study, thus forming a vicious cycle. Correct test the wind, serious Kaoji, maintaining a fair and impartial examination, is the examination of the management of important content. In this paper, exam, exams and exam after three stages, discusses how to make scientific and effective management of university exam question.

1 good test preparation work is the basis of the work test administration

1.1 Examination Management need to develop a comprehensive, detailed and clear as the basis for the examination regulations.

Examination regulations must be observed by clearly what behavior and what behaviors must be prohibited, and the corresponding punishment measures to regulate the examination rules prohibit cheating, students and invigilators there are laws to go by, to avoid the process of controversy. Examination Management prescribes full details, leaving no loopholes.

1.2 good student exam education is the key to correct test the wind.

Student body is cheating on take cheating play a decisive role. Usually in the classroom, promotional activities to be performed in immersive integrity of education, to eliminate cheating from the internal generation of ideas. This work should be done as soon as possible, continue to do. Only the early elimination of fraud, opportunistic idea to go to law-abiding students to study hard. If only temporary educating students in the exam, some students do not have enough time to review because there are still likely to take risks. In addition, students learn to organize examinations regulations, so that students understand the relevant provisions, knowing the law, thus reducing the generation of examination do not understand the order of unrest. Schools should focus on creating a "good faith exam cheating shameful" atmosphere, such as bulletin boards, classroom aisle, and other public places around the examination room posting eye-catching posters "one cheating, lifelong regret" in the exam week on the big screen in a timely manner the consequences of cheating public , punishment, etc., for students from the role of education and caution. If students want to know how desperate danger, perhaps it will not take the risk.

1.3 do invigilator training.

Invigilators most important quality is responsibility. Practical work should be responsible for selecting a group of rich proctor team, while the examiners are trained to ensure a deep understanding of each exam invigilator regulations, and let the invigilator to understand all the details of the process steps examiners and their causes, possible problem, precautions, emergency event handling.

Students test the existence and Chinese students of different problems, mainly in the use of language differences or cultural differences to violate examination rules, such as the mother tongue conversation among peers, in order to understand the language barrier installed by instruction or examination invigilator criticism and education, in order to respect for human rights on the grounds constantly go to the bathroom, etc., examination late assignment drag, are not required to sit, forgot examination stationery and other more common phenomenon. To this end, we need to build a high level language for foreign students experienced examiner examiner team.

(2) do exams and exam management is the key to the management of

Management is correct to do exams and test the wind, serious Kaoji guarantee. Exams and management of the most important is the good proctored off, reduce cheating favorable conditions.

2.1 Good proctored off.

Examiner looks a simple task, but to do a good job is not an easy task. Invigilator must have a sense of responsibility, do a good job every detail, even the small things that are not wrong. One hundred detail, well ninety-nine, there is a never been done, it may lead to irreparable consequences. Management should be based on past experiences to develop a detailed and comprehensive proctored exam process steps and regulations, and distributed to the invigilator hands, so as not to invigilators overlooked a detail, but also to facilitate a timely and smooth invigilator prevent or deal with all kinds of idiopathic events and irregularities. Need to have a good exam invigilator notify the Commissioner, exam seating arrangement off, check the eligibility of candidates off, papers inventory clearance, examination order to maintain clearance, and so on.

Exam notice posted on the blackboard in the classroom such as eye-catching sign informing students must prohibited conduct; inform candidates exam time, split can not leave the examination room, can not carry materials related to the test, and so on.

Seating arrangements for the exam, can often be more effective. Proctor should use the classroom conditions as the distance between candidates opened, while maintaining the horizontal and vertical straight line, reducing the cheat favorable conditions. The high degree of integrity is not arranged for students in the classroom front, reducing unrest. To avoid discrimination disputes in peacetime establishment of student credit files have a bad credit record and inform the students in the examination will be arranged in front of the classroom.

Invigilators should be a front and rear, a move a static manner examination room visits, or according to the actual situation to take to help maintain order in the examination room invigilators behavior, so that students have psychological deterrent, while taking care to maintain a comfortable environment for the candidates, to avoid students interference.

2.2 through reforms to reduce cheating favorable conditions.

2.2.1 reform the examination content. University teaching should focus on cultivating students' ability to solve problems independently, rather than the mind back formula, the concept's ability to promote as much as possible to take an open test, allowing students to truly apply their knowledge to solve the problem [1].

2.2.2 Reform examination form. For example, my school a teacher has developed an exam software, the software randomly bring up questions, so that each student's exam content is not the same, students want to copy also can not copy, only honest review of the pro forma. For small class courses, can be changed as part of the exams, the adjacent seat distribution of different types of student papers, to reduce the possibility of cheating, the teacher will not bring change cannelloni too much difficulty. Can also learn from foreign schools test method. Australia has such a kind of test methods, each course has two exams, an open book, a closed book. Open-book exam, students can take any material, including computer, exam questions may be found through the Internet will be able to answer. The closed-book exam, not with exam related materials. Final examination results of these two comprehensive examinations, and results are not the actual results, but according to the ranking set the final score.

2.2.3 Reform achievement system. For students exams, my school to increase the proportion of normal results to determine the final results, that is, by increasing the importance of the process of performance to encourage students usually study hard and weakened the importance of the final exam, cheating yield decreases. However, most still take the usual exam scores and final grade integrated actual score as the final score. Whether it can be considered to be ranked according to the final results? Because rankings will directly lead to competition between students, will reduce some of the excellent students for students with learning difficulties or with indifference cheating cheating situation.

2.2.4 Reform invigilator mode. With the development of technology, some students began to use high-tech cheating, our examiners are still largely follow the traditional way mode. Our examiners whether the component can also be added to the high-tech? For mobile phone can not bring into the exam requirement, although repeatedly stressed, but there are still students do not listen to orders, ends up clothes brought seat. Signal jammers installed in the examination room, you can easily solve the problem of cheating communication. Invigilator caught cheating in, you need to have conclusive evidence and acknowledgment of candidates, while some cheating phenomenon is difficult to gather conclusive evidence, and if the parties denied their cheating, which makes many invigilators feel caught cheating is very troublesome, difficult not self-defeating, and thus cheating taken to accommodate palliative attitude. We can consider installing cameras in the examination room, in order to facilitate collection of evidence of cheating? The most important is that this ruthless machine can give students a huge deterrent to effectively combat cheating.

3 good after the test management work, unhealthy nipped in the bud

After the test management mainly includes two aspects: the timely processing of irregularities, and then test the students education.

Handling violations examination regulations to be followed to achieve reasonable, objective and impartial. Handling violations is a task that must be completed, however reluctantly, only to punish for cheating in order to maintain the integrity of student living space, to stop the spread of unhealthy, therefore, not only in time, but also to the students before exam education, so that students understand their behavior cheating errors, while cautioning other students next occurrence of this behavior occurs. If you do not test and then education, students thought that a mere formality examination regulations but things just to scare people. When students penalized when students have personal experience, deeply understand the seriousness of the consequences of cheating, which play the role of a good caution.

Exam administration to defend justice and fairness as combat missions, and examination of various thoughts and acts of bad faith arduous struggle. For winning every battle, management needs from internal and external causes start cheating for students to study and solution times, the courage to explore, and constantly improve assessment forms, management methods, elimination of bad faith from internal thoughts, eliminate cheating from external conditions, maintaining a fair and impartial examination, give full play to the positive test capabilities for improving the quality of teaching play a catalytic role.


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