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The Coffee Culture

2021-04-01 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇关于The Coffee Culture的代写范文,供大家参考学习。首先是一个关于咖啡店的介绍。它的名字叫Hola咖啡店。它代表着对客户的友谊。Hola是西班牙语,意思是“你好”。现在让我们走进店铺,了解商业计划,感受咖啡文化。

Let me give my presentation about a coffee shop. The name of it is Hola coffee shop. It stands for a friendship to customers. Hola is Spanish which means hello in English. Now let's enter the shop to learn of the business plan and enjoy the coffee culture.

First,let's see the frame of the business plan. On the PPT I list the primary contents to make the presentation clear.

Next I will introduce the every portion step by step. In the first part I describe the coffee shop in the aspect of seven points with which we can got a frame of the coffee shop. Among the seven aspects, the PPT present three main points. Let's learn about the distribution of the Hola coffee shop which can establish a comfortable for customers. The pie chart show the arrangement clearly. More than half of the space contribute to the seated area. And a special area we can see from the chart is the take-out shop a single space for this service which indicates the position of Hola. The coffee shop is not a relaxation place for clients and also a convenient assistance for the busy white collars. Then I will introduce the main products and services we can provide. Maybe it is the menu. We can get it from the PPT, there are two kinds of food which is beverage and west-style food. Among beverage, coffee is the primary product and the technology must be exquisite. For the west-style food,business plan  now the preliminary plan is pizza and steak. For the long period operation, we will survey the target customer and change the menu after their demand. The last of the first part the business plan give a blueprint for the Hola from short period to long period.

The third section of the business is the environment analysis which can learn about the external and internal situation of the industry and the coffee shop itself. Only this can a new venture have confidence to success. PEST make a comprehensive analysis for the coffee industry in Hong Kong from the lighting of economic to technology. After the process we get that the coffee industry is a growth industry to profit. Next we must so familiar with ourselves that can offset the defect for further development. The strength and weakness can see clearly form the PPT.

For every fresh object advertisement is essential for popularization. The process we can also call it promotion. The business plan use the famous theory 4P's to complete this portion. The specific content is introduced in the business plan.

In the operation part, the business plan focus on the raw material, which is the key process for a perfect coffee. The coffee bean must be first class otherwise the quality is hard to make sure and the corporation with the supply is also important. All this is specific in the business plan.

business plan For the last part, the financial statistic must be supportive for the new venture. We give three aspects to present. The first table is projected cash flow in the next 12 months. Form the last line of the table the net cash flow we can know the Hola coffee shop have a positive cash flow which signs a promising prospect. The next table is project balance sheet. The investors can gain some useful information from the table. The last is a break-even point coordinate which is a warning for the daily operation. From the picture we can see clea rly only the volume above 18626 can the coffee shop can profit. And the break-even point is boundary between loss and profit.

OK, it is the all content of the business plan I present. Thanks!



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