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When Senses Collide

2020-07-18 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文


下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- When Senses Collide,文章讲述该视频以越南退伍军人丹尼斯的故事开头。丹尼斯在越南经历的恐怖袭击如何对他的大脑产生如此持久的影响?然后,视频在当下的热点中讲述了大脑的故事。该视频重点介绍了人类情感的复杂起源。大多数情绪与大脑区域和大脑的化学变化密切相关。


 When Senses Collide

At the beginning, the video takes two human as examples—an old lady Dorothy and a man James. The lady Dorothy mixes colors with her other senses. In her brain, every color will have a number. And the man James often brings the same words with same tastes. His anesthesia can even set of a battle between real flavors and the ones triggered by words. The video mainly focuses on the synesthesia. Then I will divide it into five parts.

Part one is the introduction of the topic through two human. They all have the anesthesia. This part tells that research shows at about one out of every three hundred people has at least one pair of overlapping sense. And these senses can vary dramatically.

Part two confirms that synesthesia is an authentic early sensory process and it’s probably caused somewhere in the sensory pathways of the brain. There are a large number of experiments in this part.

Part three tells that scientists need to determine what environmental factors and experiences might shape each individual’s specific connections. I think it will be very common through people.

Part four tells that genes have an important influence on the synesthesia.

And the part five stresses the relationship between langue and sense. A scientist took an interesting experiment.

In the second part, Professor Ramachandran, who is come from the University of California San Diego, became convinced that there’s a lot more to the synesthesia. Therefore, an experiment was taken to test whether a sense is related to another sense or not. During the experiment, people need to watch some confusing letters. Then most people got confused and crazy. And the experiment also confirmed the synesthesia is an authentic early sensory process.

To prove whether environmental factors and experience affect specific connections among different senses, Dr. Jamie Ward took a research project. The research examined different kinds of people including children, old lady and blind man. In addition, in order to recognize the synesthesia between color and word, one man was asked to take the brain scan. Their result is that synesthesia is common. And we can also know the mechanism which links numbers to colors also seems to connect to the part of her brain that produces a sense in space.

Besides the experience, gene can play an interesting role in the synesthesia. It is the fourth part that tells us the truth. One highly speculative idea is that the same genes which give rise to synesthesia express more diffusely. In other words, synesthesia makes us more creative, more imaginative, and makes us prone to battle for. In the video, we can see some famous artist and writers such as Shakespeare. The synesthesia makes them creative. And the creativity may share similar genetics roots. Creativity is all about the ability to make links within our brains between different senses and different concepts.

In the last part, the scientists show the influence on senses by language. He took two boards which have different shapes to ask people which Kiki is and which Bobo is. The answers are also very interesting.

In the end, I also believe there are still many mysteries among people’s senses. More and more researches and experiments need to be taken to find the truth of the synesthesia.





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