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Critical analysis on the positive impact of intelligence

2020-02-19 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- Critical analysis on the positive impact of artificial intelligence,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是人工智能作为一门新兴的创新技术,在当今社会越来越受到人们的关注。许多人对人工智能及其应用的使用和发展持积极的看法,并期望这项新技术能对我们生活的方方面面都有益。在这篇研究论文中,我想讨论人工智能的好处和他们的论点,以便批判性地评估人工智能对我们社会的影响。


Critical analysis on the positive impact of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, as a newly inventive technology and an increasingly popular issue in the current society, has received tremendous and worldwide attention. Many people hold a positive view on the use and development of artificial intelligence and its application, and anticipate that this new technology could be beneficial to our lives in all aspects. Others, however, remain concerned or even worried about the potential side effects of what artificial intelligence would bring to our society. For example, according to a survey conducted by a global communications and engagement firm Weber Shandwick, 52 percent global consumers think artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our personal lives, compared with 7 percent consumers think the impact might be negative (PR Newswire, 2016). In this research essay, I would like to discuss the benefits of artificial intelligence with their counterpart arguments in order to critically evaluate the impact of artificial intelligence to our society.

It is widely known that the invention and application of artificial intelligence could increase efficiency in completing tasks and solving problems in many fields. As artificial intelligence software and machine is able to process massive amount of information and data in a short time, it could save human labors’ time and as well as money in many fields. For example, in medical treatment, artificial intelligence software could track a patient’s health history and all sorts of information quickly, so as to assist medical treatment process (Schmidt & Cohen, 2016). In that case, saving time may not only means greater effectiveness and efficiency for patient’s medical treatment, but also means saving a life. However, some would argue that the efficiency that artificial intelligence technology brings to us may lead to potential safety issues. For example, considering that the prerequisite of using artificial intelligence technology in data process is to collect and store data from users at first, personal information safety issue may be one major concern for potential users. In the medical field, patients may be concerned about who can gain access to their medical history and in what ways their information will be used. Although the counter argument and concern is pertinent and potentially risky, it is hard and unwise to deny its advantage and to abandon the use of artificial intelligence at all. Considering the potential information safety concern, I think it is where regulation should play a role. For applying artificial intelligence in medical device, for example, the European Union countries has a regulation on clarification of in which aspects artificial intelligence can be used in medical device (Tsang et.al., 2017). According to the regulation, artificial intelligence software that are used as a tool for “diagnostic purposes” can be viewed as medical device, while others for administration purposes and information system management cannot (Tsang et.al., 2017). Therefore, it is admitted that artificial intelligence technology can add efficiency in human work, but we should also consider the potential risks and problems with its application and we need to conduct appropriate regulation.

Another important advantage of artificial intelligence lies in its accuracy as it is computer programmed. Human may make mistakes in work because they get tired, distracted, or sick, but artificial intelligence is free from those feelings and situations. Therefore, some people think that artificial intelligence is more reliable and trustable in many fields especially when it is related to data, number, and calculation. For example, it is claimed that artificial intelligence software is helpful and reliable for solving staff recruitment challenge in traditional human work (Alsever, 2017), especially for big companies. The same situation may work in standard test assessment. Imagine if a teacher needs to review and score more than one thousand test papers in one day, it is easy to get tired and therefore it is hard to keep the evaluation results totally fair. However, some would argue that artificial intelligence technology could only be reliable in fields that do not require emotional and ethical value judgments, and fields that are not related to creativity. Indeed, human learn from their life experience and can be influenced by emotions which may lead us to kinds of conscious or unconscious biases and to creativity as well (Schmidt & Cohen, 2016). Therefore, considering that artificial intelligence is more likely to be rational and free from biases, it certainly is helpful in work that requires less value judgment, creativity, and aesthetic appreciation, for example, processing and storing data. In other fields, such as education and painting, the advantages of artificial intelligence might be turned into disadvantages, at least in the current period when artificial intelligence has not been fully developed to feel and appreciate like a person. Indeed, scarce research and evidence shows artificial intelligence’s ability in creativity and in detecting and coping with human emotion. Still, this limitation does not mean that artificial intelligence is of no or little importance in those fields. In education, for example, it is widely acknowledged that artificial intelligence teaching software can by no means replace human teachers, as teaching and learning requires intrapersonal reactions and emotions, but “computer-assisted instruction” has been highly useful and valuable in education (Jones, 1985) and it is continually developed. Considering the uneven education resource in different countries and regions, the “computer-assisted instruction” could bring teaching resource and access to more students. In that way, education becomes more achievable. Still, I am emphasizing in what ways that artificial intelligence could facilitate fields that are related to human emotion and value judgment, and not indicating that “computer-assisted instruction” can or will replace human teachers’ role, or it will certainly outweigh performance by a human teacher. Again, appropriate regulation in how and in what aspects to use artificial intelligence is important and necessary, in order to achieve the facilitating role of artificial intelligence.  

In this research essay, I discussed two major benefits of artificial intelligence with the potential concerns and risks behind the benefits, and critically analyzed how we should perceive the benefits and the remaining concerns. In summary, application of artificial intelligence could bring efficiency and accuracy to human work, but there are limitations behind its efficiency and accuracy. We should be fully aware of its both advantages and limitations, and what is more important is that we need appropriate regulation on the use of artificial intelligence, in order to aim for “the common good”( Schmidt & Cohen, 2016). As argued in Schmidt and Cohen (2016), artificial intelligence research and development is hopefully to be beneficial and responsible for all. In conclusion, the invention and development of artificial intelligence brings both benefits and challenges to our society, and one needs to be critical in viewing its role and impact so as to avoid potential side effects or undesirable outcomes, and to maximize the positive impact.




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