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Why are Asian Americans considered a “model minority”

2019-05-18 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Why are Asian Americans considered a model minority,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了模范少数族裔。有数据表示,与其他美国人相比,亚裔美国人通常在学业上做得更好,尤其是在数学方面,被认为是模范少数族裔。更重要的是,与父母大多受过高等教育的印度裔美国青少年不同,亚裔美国孩子即使来自中产阶级的普通家庭也能在学业上做得很好。

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Firstly, according to the academic data from the readings, Asian-Americans generally do better in school work especially in math, compared to whites, American Indians, Hispanics and blacks. What’s more, different from Indian-American teenagers whose parents mostly have high education backgrounds, Asian-American kids even from ordinary families in middle-classes can also do a good job in school work.

Secondly, according to the author, there are two and a half reasons why Asian-American are so academically successful. The first on is that Confucianism nurtured the filial piety. Although Asian-American teenagers also rebel just like other kids, they still care about their school work. Their families also pay attention to their academic achievements. Moreover, Confucianism encourages the respect and appreciation for education. In this culture, working hard and getting A’s help to become successful. The last also the half-reason, about getting A, Asian kids believe it requires hard work while American ones think it is about intelligence, so the former have no reason not to work hard and do well in school work. In conclusion, it is the culture in Asia that helps the Asian-Americans to become successful in the US.

Lastly, from historical circumstances and ideological imperatives, due to the racial discrimination, there was a tense relationship among different races in the US in post-World War II. At that time, in the US, in terms of employment and property ownership, mainly blacks, Mexicans, Chinese and Japanese immigrants were seriously discriminated. Non-whites that we see today suffered a lot at that time, no matter at work or in life. Therefore, the US needed to ease the tension and it helped if the country emphasized the image of Asian-American that they were successful in the US only because they worked hard. Since Asian-Americans could carve out their new worlds in American, why couldn’t other immigrants do so? In other words, as long as others like Blacks and Latinos follow Asian-Americans to be diligent and hard-working, they could be successful, too. So, if any race failed, it was their own problem and it was not the fault of the country. On the contrary, it was a proof that people from these countries are worse than others, which created the negative stereotypes and discrimination. One of the most influential anti-discriminate event in the 1950s and 1960s is the Civil rights movements, which shows African American fought for their rights bravely while also indicates how seriously they were discriminated. The tension peaked at that time and that also explained why the myth was paid the most attention in that period.




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