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作业代写:Cultivate creative thinking

2018-03-27 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Cultivate creative thinking,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了创造性思维培养。所谓的创造性思维就是与众不同的思维,教学中所研究的创造性思维,它既是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的综合,又是发散思维与收敛思维的辩证统一,它具有创造性思维的独创性、突破性等特点。直觉思维是创造性思维活跃的一种表现,它是创造发明的先导,在创造发明过程中占有重要的地位。为培养学生创造性思维,就应当有意识地培养学生的直觉思维。

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Along with the advancement of teaching reform of higher education, innovation education has become the focal point of college mathematics teaching. Bai, national university of the Chinese academy of sciences, the principal at the Chinese academy of sciences university scholarship and research grants for 2013 awards and pointed out that "students BBS of the Chinese academy of sciences", "innovation is the soul of national progress, is people's pursuit of" of the Chinese academy of sciences. Mathematics teaching is not only impart knowledge, more important is to cultivate students' thinking ability, especially creative thinking ability. The so-called creative thinking is a distinctive thinking, the research of creative thinking in mathematics teaching, it is not only the comprehensive logical thinking and logical thinking, and the dialectical unity of divergent thinking and convergent thinking in mathematics, it has the originality, the breakthrough of creative thinking, targeted, flexibility and comprehensive characteristics, also reflected the profundity, agility, and critical quality of mathematical thinking.

With what kind of education thoughts and ideas to guide the education work, the key problems of what is involved in cultivating talents. Every person has the potential to create, and just create different levels and level. So for each student, is in the process of creating a found again, again. The essence of mathematics teaching is a process of students' mathematical thinking activities, through mathematics teaching activities to cultivate the students' mathematics creative thinking, develop students' mathematical creative thinking, to improve the innovation consciousness of students, to lay the foundation for the students to become creative talents.

The process of innovation education is to inspire the innovative ideology, the process of creative potential is mining process. For a long time, mathematics teaching always emphasize the memory of mathematical knowledge and the ability of using mathematical knowledge, ignore the teaching of mathematical thought method and its influence on mathematics innovation ability, emphasize the technical ability of mathematics teaching, ignore the intellectual value and cultural value of mathematics teaching.

Efforts to cultivate the students' good thinking quality. Creative people have the good thought quality, therefore in mathematics teaching should be attached great importance to the cultivation of student's thinking, to cultivate students' thinking of extensity, independence, trains the student to the profundity of the thought, logic, is the basic ways of cultivating creative thinking. It aroused the students' initiative and self-consciousness, inspire the students' positive thinking, to cultivate the students' ability to analyze problems, solve problems, to find and innovation. We should also strengthen the double-base teaching, strengthen the basis of innovation, innovation depends largely on the innovator of the accumulation of knowledge and experience.

Implementation of innovative education, cultivate the students' creative thinking, is to promote the subjectivity of the students as the center, in order to promote the development of students, to cultivate students to be the integration of the knowledge, ability and personality. Cultivating creative thinking is to cultivate the students' basic cognitive process of innovation, this is about to create loose educational environment. Loose environment is an important external cause of innovation. The Nobel Prize winner Watson in the award-winning meeting to address said: "I could get such a high honor, a very important factor is attributed to working in an erudite and tolerance circle... "This shows the importance of environmental factors on the innovation. Embody the spirit of a university campus culture, it reflects the university teachers and students of common interests and wishes of good campus culture helps to form the respect knowledge, respect talent" academic atmosphere, the formation of competitive environment, build a bold innovation of the strong academic atmosphere. In the aspect of campus environment, to create a can inspire intelligence and potential of campus environment, highlight the people-oriented idea, to build up the university campus luxuriantly green trees, Bridges, elegant chic landscape pattern, lets the student in such an elegant campus environment studying, inspiration, busines.

Test is invisible baton, it points to where, the students will run to wherever mathematical theorems and formulas of rote learning can subtly cause students of imitative and blindness. Teaching aims to develop intellectual thinking, the test is designed to test quality, assessment of innovation consciousness and creative ability. Innovative thinking more can only be improved in the "process", the simple test is difficult to achieve this goal. So to avoid in the test scores by a written test scores. In the evaluation of students, breaking the traditional evaluation method, will outline the requirements of the knowledge level and innovation thinking ability examination.

Modern science and technology by leaps and bounds, which requires colleges and universities teaching must adhere to the principle of combining with scientific research, and actively create conditions to encourage students to participate in practice activities, extracurricular activities of science and technology. The practice education can't become a mere formality, should play the main body of students initiative, and should attach great importance to the guiding role of teachers. Through open innovation practice project, set up the experimental innovation fund, establish college students' innovation education practice center, credits, etc to the college students' innovative practice to guarantee organization system, create conditions for college students to carry out the innovation practice activity, arouse the enthusiasm of students. Students are encouraged to take part in the innovation competition, such as the mathematical modeling contest, the use of mathematical knowledge to build model method is applied to the practical problems. The implementation of creation education, change the traditional mode of education, such as in mathematics implement training mode of "qualified + expand", it is to implement innovation education for all students, train students' innovation spirit and innovation ability.

The theme of "2012 national conference on scientific and technological innovation" as the "enterprise main body, collaborative innovation", the third plenary session of the eighteenth, "innovation" is an important issue in all of this puts forward higher requirements on innovation, also gives the contemporary youth more opportunities and challenges. So the main targets of mathematical thinking education should be put on developing the students' innovative quality, key points in mathematics education should be given to each student's thinking ability get exercise and development. Teachers should attach great importance to the cultivation of creative thinking and training, the time to develop the students' creative potential, stimulate innovation spirit, improve the innovation ability, make to realize China's dream of college students for the society to create more and better material and spiritual wealth.


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