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Goal Essay的写作方法分享

2019-04-17 来源: 51due教员组 类别: 写作技巧

说到写申请的Essay,大家第一个头痛的问题就是Goal Essay. Goal Essay几乎是所有学校的Package里面遇到的第一题。原因很简单,申请MBA的学生太多了,其中优秀的学生也非常多,要选出最优秀的学生太不容易了,所以学校往往会把Goal Essay作为第一道关卡。虽然Goal Essay难写,但还是有规律可循的。那么Goal Essay该怎么写呢?下面就给大家分享一下Goal Essay的写作方法。

Goal Essay写作方法,Goal Essay写作,assignment代写,代写,美国作业代写

The easiest way to proceed with writing your “career goals” essay is to prepare an outline and begin filling in information. The “why an MBA” and “why XYZ school?” type essay questions are technically separate essays but are frequently combined with the “career goals” type essay to form a single essay.

General Outline

I. Introduction (brief)

II. Goals (+vision)

III. Background

a. professional experience

b. educational experience

c. international experience

d. personal experience

IV. why an MBA?

V. why XYZ school?

VI. Conclusion (optional)

Again, the two biggest questions you are likely to have in terms of writing this essay type is what to write and how to divide the essay up. In a combined “career goals” and “why an MBA?” and “why XYZ school?” type essay question, there are essentially four things to write about. The best structure to use in presenting these four items is as follows:

1. your goals and your business vision.

2. your background and experience

a. professional experience—work experience (both full time and part time)

b. educational experience—undergraduate major(s) research projects, which may also include extracurricular collegiate activities.

c. culture/international experience—travel, language, family, country, culture

d. personal experience—hobbies and interests; relevant traits, insights, philosophies, and sometimes mentors, career or personal turning points or setbacks; this may also include community service.

3. why you want an MBA

4. your reasons for wanting to go to a particular business school.

The following is a sample outline written by a candidate interested in pursuing a career in investment banking.

Sample outline

I. introduction (Para 1)

II. Goals (Para 2)

a. long term goal—investment banking doing IPO (initial public offering) work in Argentinab. short term goal—get an MBA, join investment bank in New York, transfer from New York to Argentina

III. background and experience (Para 3-7)

For the past five years, I have been building a specialty in finance and real estate:

a. professional experience (Para 3)

1). begin within “ABC” real estate firm

2). current working for “XYZ” bank

b. educational background (Para 4)

1). obtained bachelor’s degree in finance with minor in real estate

2). took part in extracurricular activities

c. cultural /international experience (para 5)

1). traveled and worked in Mexico and Spain

2). languages : speak Spanish and English; having working knowledge of Portuguese and French  in addition to solid work experience, I posses some valuable personal traits and have gained some insights which will be invaluable to my future work in investment banking.

d. personal insights and business vision (para 6-7)

1). first, my sharp people skills

2.) second, my great persistence

3). third, why technology holds the key to the future of this industry

IV. why an MBA? (para 8)

a. cross-functional skills

b. recognized for advancement purposes.

V. why XYZ school? (para 9)

a. academic specialties and course offerings

b. students, faculty, and facilities

c. Geographic location and employment opportunities

以上就是关于Goal Essay的写作方法讲解,同学们一定要注意,写的东西尽量跟别人不同,不要千篇一律地写留学打两年酱油然后再回国,或者毕业直接回国报效祖国什么的,一定要有自己的想法。



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