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Advertisements of masculinity and femininity

2020-08-12 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Paper范文


下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Advertisements of masculinity and femininity,文章讲述在谈论男性气质时,迈克尔·金梅尔(Michael Kimmel)是男性研究领域的领先研究者之一,也是学术期刊《男性与男性气质》的创办人,他写了几篇有关男性气概的压迫性描写的文章。例如,《走向压迫者的教育学》(2002年)和《愤怒的白人:时代末日的美国男子气概》(2014年)。 Susan Bordo(她的《发现新发现的男性》)(1999年)也研究了男性和男性气质。但是,当谈论广告对男性身份的影响时,还远远不够。您知道还应该添加什么吗? Jib Fowles的广告吸引力。


Advertisements of masculinity and femininity

I. Introduction:

When talking about masculinity, Michael Kimmel, one of the leading researchers in men’s study and also the founder of academic journal Men and Masculinities, has written several passages on masculinity’s oppressive portrayal. For example, Toward a Pedagogy of the Oppressor (2002), and Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era (2014). And so does Susan Bordo, her Beauty (Re) Discovers the Male Body (1999) also studied male body and masculinity. However, when talking about advertising’s effect on the male identity, they are not enough. Do you know what’s more should be added in? Jib Fowles’s advertising appeals. Actually, three of them.

One is nurture, which means the appeal to take care of small and tender creatures. Another one is achieve, which means the drive that energies people to accomplish something difficult and attain a higher standard. Any outstanding public spokesman could arouse a similar feeling on audiences’ minds, like “I also want to be as successful in career and life like he is.” The last appeal is affiliation, which means the need for companion, including friendship and courtship. There are always so many happy-together scenes in all kinds of advertisements.

However, in this passage, it will be further discussed towards the advertisings’ similar influence on female identity. Nurture, achieve and affiliation could also be appealed to females, though in a different way.

II. Nurture to Males

Nurture means the appeal to take care of small and tender creatures, like children and pets. Every time there’s a baby toddling in maybe nappies commercials, suppose you are a male, will you feel something in your heart has been touched and want to hold that little creature? If yes, then congratulations, your paternal instincts has been aroused. From Jib Fowles, “it is not women alone who can be touched by this appeal. The father nurses his son Eddie through adolescence while the John Deere lawn tractor survives the years. Another father counts pennies with his young son as the subject of New York Life Insurance comes up” (9). When gazing at these advertisings, dads may feel their children’s need for them and develop a sense of family consciousness and responsibility.

III. Nurture to Females

 Nurture is actually directed at women as Jib pointed out (9). Check these two pictures above, the happy baby and mom seems to be the best partner whenever selling baby food. Unlike men, women already have a sense of nurture and maternity deep in mind. Taking care a baby is probably one of their roles or everyday job, and this instinct needn’t to be aroused by advertising, it’s already there. But a lovely and a harmonious picture does help a lot in promoting one product connecting to babies.

IV. Achieve to males

Achieve has a lot of meaning, including property, career and body-shapes. According to Jib, the need for achievement is signalled by the desires "to accomplish something difficult. To overcome obstacles and attain a high standard. To excel one's self. To rival and surpass others" (11). So different kinds of achieve will be discussed respectively here.

1. Caree success

Caree success perhaps is one of the most important things for an adult man. Successul caree means attention, as the advertising for KPMG points out, which also means status, money and good life. Michael Kimmel has stated that “He who has the most toys when he dies, wins” (462) and “Be a big weel” ,which refers to the centrality of success and power in he definition of masculinity. Masculinity is measured most by walth, power, and status than by any particuliar body part (464). The successful male images in advertisings may intensify this view on men and stimulate them to pursue a “more succefful” life.

2. Body-building

The male body flashes in adveritisings of male uderwears, perfumes or some other products is also a symbol of “achieve”, especially for the youn teens. They aspiring for a beautiful body to “being a man among men” (Kimmel, 464). Young teenageers are often taught to be tough and strong to excess their peers, don’t be “gay and sissy”, play sports and get the grils. The advertisings of exposed male body details the code of masculinity that young guys are expected to followed.

V. Achieve to females

·Caree success


Interestingly, the advertising features in care success may not be appealed to women as much as to the men. Actually, the amount of women’s successful-caree images is also much less than men’s. Check this advertisings above, a successful male sportsman is surely appeals to a pile of people, but not a successful sportswoman, except that she is a beauty. So this is the difference. A woman’s main role is probably limited to family and friends. “The 10 Worst Stereotypes About Powerful Women” written by Jenna Gordreau stating them as women that are looked at as an “Ice Queen”, “Single and Lonely”, “Tough”, “Weak”, “Masculine”, “Conniving”, “Emotional”, “Angry”, “A Token”, and “A Cheerleader”. Its no wonder women have such low standards for themselves, because when successful and powerful they are looked at as threatening and scary. It goes to show why there are always such few women involved in politics and there has yet to be a women president. However, this kind of advertisings will surely promoting women’s attitudes towrds caree and themselves.

·Body-building/Sexual appearence

As for body-building and appearance, ah, beautiful nude bodies are everywhere. The exposure of women’s bodies occurred about four times as often compared to the exposure of men's bodies in magazines. Women who are sexualized are more likely to appear as purely decorative objects in men’s magazines compared to women’s magazines. Sexuality has become a symbol for success among girls, as Orenstein stated in “Just between you, me and my 622 BFFS”. Girls are so pround of their bodys, and they use sexuality for boys, praises and confidences. It’s just too bad. Sexuality can be good and useful, but it’s not equal to every success. Ideal-thin body images may produce negative feelings among women, wihle positive images of acceptance of any non-ideal type of body will produce increased self-esteem for women of all types. As the Dove Campaign pictured here, this is the positive way to promoting the success of the healthy body.

VI. Affiliation to males and females

Affiliation means the need for companion, including friendship and courtship. There are always so many happy-together scenes in all kinds of advertisements.

It’s good, because this kind of pictures may always remind us of friends and companions. Even for those who are lonely, they may want to step out to find some buddies.

However, when the affiiation is about courtship, things may get a little different. Check these two.

 In “2 Ways A Woman Can Get Hurt”, Kilbourne presents an advertisement of cologne, and it quotes “Don’t be such a good boy” while there’s a picture of an attractive man and two identical looking blonde women on either side staring intently at him, while he just looks straight forward. Looking at it from Kilbourne’s point of view, she see’s it as highly offensive. She considers the fact that the women are facing the men, and that he is ignoring them when she says “Clearly the way to beautiful women is to ignore them, perhaps mistreat them” (Kilbourne 595). She also says that it sends the message that perhaps he is sleeping with both of the women, and they still desire him.  Men is always in the dominant position is also somewhat of sexual violences when depiected in advertisings. And affiliation should never be conveyed in this way.

VIII. Conclusion

Advertising has played an important role in how we identify ourselves, and how others identify themselves with all the cultures of the rest of the world as well. Although advertising does help make life easier for most, at the same time it has emotional affects on the people. It inluences us on nuture, achieve and affiliation. It discreetly manipulates our values and beliefs, and it does so in a way that most of the time we don’t even realize it’s happened.

In order to create a best advertising and cultural industry, we need to rethink these advertisings and decide which attitude we should take. Do not let advertisings inluence people in a negative way while none of us has noticed yet is defintely a thing.


Works Cited

Kilboure, Jean. “Two Ways a Woman Can get Hurt.” From Inquiry to Academic Writing. Stuart Greene and April Lidinsky, eds. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008. Print.

Michael, Kimmel. Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Became Men, 2008. Print.

Peggy, Orenstein. Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girly-Girl Culture, 2011. Print.

Bordo, Susan. The Male Body: A New Look at Men in Public and in Private. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999. Print.




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