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Low carbon action

2019-07-02 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Low carbon action,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了低碳行动。植树造林、退耕还林、生态重建是环境保护的重要内容,也是低碳行动的方式,植树造林可以保持水土。为了抑制土壤侵蚀,必须种植树木,因为它们的根实际上和树冠一样大,树冠像一只巨大的手一样紧紧抓住土壤。土壤中的水分可以不断地被树根吸收和储存。而且树木可以通过光合作用降低空气中二氧化碳的含量。

Low carbon action,低碳行动,essay代写,paper代写,作业代写

1 Tree Planting Experience

Holding a curious and expected heart, I took part in tree planting volunteer activity at Otukaikino Reserve on 1st September. It was a sunny day with white clouds in the sky and my volunteer event lasted almost three hours from nine thirty to twelve thirty. After I went to Otukaikino protection zone, managers Hamish and Messi introduced some basic knowledge about the protection zone and told us what we could do to participate in this activity. After the brief introduction, a spade and a pair of gloves were handed to us. Following managers, we went to a barren place where there were plenty of saplings waiting for us to be planted. Then a manager took up a sapling and taught us how to dig a hole, how to bury the sapling and where to put a piece of pill to help the sapling grow healthily. After we planted the sapling, what we need to do is using bamboo sticks and plastic film to surround the sapling in case it was blew away by strong wind.

When my first tree was planted on earth, a sense of achievement raised and my value proved that a individual also could contribute his meager forces for environmental protection. When the tree planting activity was finished, a certification was awarded to us to prise our respected actions.

2 Ecological Environment Sustainability

This volunteer activity has benefited me a lot and makes me realize that ecological environment sustainability plays an important role in modern society. I have learned from the brief introduction that many parts of the world are still in a state of desertification and need our efforts to change the worse situation and improve the environment. As we all know, planting trees have many benefits to ecological environment sustainability, such as maintain the water and soil, against the wind, clean up air pollution and help the construction of economy.(Choi, 2008,53-64)

(1) Maintain the water and soil

Afforestation, returning farmland to forests and ecological reconstruction are of great importance in environmental protection. Planting trees and afforestation can maintain soil and water. Where vegetation coverage rate is low, and where large amounts of silt will flow into rivers during rainy seasons, which will destroy fields, fill up riverbeds, silt up estuaries, and cause great harm to the community.

To curb soil erosion, trees must be planted because they actually have roots as large as the canopy, which holds onto the soil like a giant hand. And the water in the soil can constantly be absorbed and store by tree roots.

(2) Against the wind

Afforestation can prevent wind and sand. Wherever the wind and sand came, the fields would be buried, and the cities would become ruins. To protect against wind and sand, a forest must be built to weaken the speed of strong wind. Once the wind hits the shelter forest, it will be slowed. down by 70-80%.If trees are separated by a certain distance and many forest belts are lined in parallel and grass is planted, so that less sand and gravel will be blown by the wind .

(3) The economic construction

Afforestation can provide human with many useful things. Many fruits and herbs are coming from forest. Tea, rubber, new carbon and so on are the trees' contributions. Afforestation can help decrease desertification, control the soil on the ground and help underground water from loss. It also help slow down the wind and improve sand-fixation. Soil water storage capacity is related to tree coverage, and all of these can make ecological environment favorable. Flood disasters will have less damage on neighbors. In addition, it also can provide a large number of labor who can plant trees and employment opportunities will also come, thus the sustainable development of local economy is promoted.

(4) Clean up air pollution

Statistics show an acre of forest can absorb twenty thousand- sixty thousand kilograms of dust per year, sixty seven kilograms of carbon dioxide can be absorbed every day, and forty eight kilograms of oxygen can be released. In a month, an acre of forest can also absorb four kilograms of toxic gas sulfur dioxide. And one acre Berlin pine in two days and nights can secrete two kilograms disinfect element, which can kill dysentery, typhoid and other germs.

3 Rising CO2

Sustainable development believes that everyone has the right to environmental protection. Ans the rising CO2, as a part of the atmosphere, is abundant in nature and is also the most challenges that ecological environment sustainability addresses. As we all know, Carbon dioxide is an indispensable raw material for photosynthesis of green plants. Besides, it is often used as fertilizer in greenhouse. Rising CO2 not only cause greenhouse effect which affects human, animals and plants, but also melt ice in the pole which rises sea level.(Bazzaz,1990,167-196)

(1) Greenhouse effect

It mostly causes the greenhouse effect. Because carbon dioxide can act as an insulator, it gradually heats up the earth's surface. Global temperatures rise by 0.6 ℃ in the last century. It is estimated that global temperatures will rise by 1.5-4.5 ℃at the middle of the 21st century. Temperature becomes higher and people have to run the air conditioner to cool down, which will increase the concentration of other air pollution. Besides, the higher temperature will threat wild animal’s lives and reduce the amount of tropical rainforest.

(2) Sea Level Rise

The sea level rise caused by the greenhouse effect will also have a huge impact on the living environment of human beings. Ice from the oceans at both poles will be melt. All these changes would be disastrous for wildlife. For example, Britain government has raised its levees against climate change. Global warming has raised sea levels and increased the frequency of storms, which has discouraged Britons from raising levees. British authorities have had to raise the dam of river Thames 88 times in the past 20 years to protect Londoners' lives and property, according to official statistics. On average people now raise their dams four times a year. By 2030, it is estimated, it will raise its levees 30 times a year. In addition, the salt content of surface water and groundwater increases, which will have a great effect on urban water supply.

Besides, one-third of the world's population is coming from coast and island and these people are under the threat of sea level rising. If the greenhouse turns polar ice caps into water, coastal areas with dense residents will be swallowed into the merciless sea, and the economy and civilization will be destroyed. Many low-lying island states around the globe will disappear from earth. Coastal cities such as Egypt, New York, and other countries are doomed to vanish.

With so many benefits brought by planting trees and reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide, I also hope that the government can be more proactive in solving ecological environment problems, and then, We should jointly protect the environment and protect the earth mother on which mankind live. Besides, I have to work harder by myself, so that I can help more people in the future.

4 Sustainable Business

Businesses play a critical role in global sustainable development. For many big companies, they often design their products inline with the environmental protection

(1) Green design

In the late 1980s, Green Design (GD) became an international trend. GD represents people's self-reflection on the environmental issues and also represents the return of social responsibility and designers' morality.(Tabone,2010)

Through the whole process of human design, industrial design not only defines living environment and modern life style for human beings, but also accelerated the pace of energy and resources consumption. All consumption will break the ecological balance of our planet. Numerous industrial design, in particular, makes design an important medium to free people's unrestrained waste. "Planned commodity abolition" is a suitable manifestation to this common phenomenon. So that people call industrial and advertising design as the drive to advocating people's waste, which has drawn different censure from some experts. The situation forces designers to rethink the duties and functions of industrial designers, thus GD comes into being.(Rui,2013,694-697)

(2) Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

For modern design, GD is defined as"3R", namely Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. It shows people have to reduce the waste of energy and materials, reduce the emission of unhealthy substances, and also to make components and products can be easily classified, recycled and reused.

(3) Main content of green design

The main content of GD includes: material selection, management of green product design; The detachable design of a company’s product; Recyclability design of a company’s products.(Dowie,1994,32-38)

①Material selection and management of green product design

On the one hand, materials containing harmful ingredients and harmless ingredients should not be mixed together. On the other hand, for products with a life cycle, the useful part should be fully recycled and the unusable part should be treated with certain technological methods to minimize its impact on the environment. There is one environment-friendly battery from Nanfu Battery Brand of China. The battery doesn't contain heavy metals such as mercury, chromium and lead, and can be treated with household waste. It is also wrapped in brown paper to reduce white pollution, which really meet the design of green products.

②The recyclability design of the product takes into account the recycling possibility of materials, the value of recycling and the treatment method of recycling. In the development of green packaging technology for express delivery, many logistics companies in China advocate reducing packaging. Optimize transportation process to avoid packaging damage during transportation. Establish a new recycling system pilot to achieve useful packaging recycling.

③The removable design designer shall make the designed structure easy to disassemble and maintain, and can recycle the product after it is scrapped.

As members of society, corporations play a role in maintaining the integrity of socio-ecological systems and staying within their limits. Sustainability strengthens the performance of the company. As corporate citizen, it should play a responsible role, including economic, ecological and social elements. Sustainable development of society, economy and ecology has always been an important part of modern corporate culture and fully reflects the global activities of modern enterprises.

High demand of green products from consumers is the main challenge modern businesses facing. If a company do not develop its products in green design, the products will be refused by people who have high environmental awareness, which will badly affect its future development. It is no doubt that sustainable businesses are welcomed in modern society.

5 My green job in the future

My tree planting experience really teaches me a lot. With so many desertification places on earth, I have to do something to protect the environment. We all have the same homeland, that is our earth. Therefore, constructing a safe, healthy and warm home become our common wish and obligation. Facing the increasing worsen environment and running out resources, every citizen, corporate and group should take some actions from our daily life, consumption and production activities. Abide the rules of green design, green consumption and green production and give a sense of responsibility in ecological protection.

First of all, wherever I am, I should form a good habit of turning off the lights when its done. Of course, turn off the tap when I do not use water. Hydro-power resources are limited and precious, and saving resources should start from ourselves. Then, learn to be frugal. Refuse extravagance and waste. Do not throw away our bad clothes and trousers , they can also be made into cloth or mop. Besides, I should know something about waste utilization, saving and environmental protection. Finally, I should pay attention to environmental protection. When traveling, try to bring my personal belongings with you. Cleanliness is also environmentally friendly. Don't litter everywhere and take good care of the environment. In the daily life, i will take the bus as far as possible and ride bicycle to improve my health.

There seems to be so many green jobs I can do to maintain ecological environment sustainability. And I appreciate my tree planting experience very much.

Bazzaz, F. A. (1990). The response of natural ecosystems to the rising global co2levels. Annual Review of Ecology & Systematics, 21(1), 167-196.

Choi, Y. D., Temperton, V. M., Allen, E. B., Grootjans, A. P., Halassy, M., & Hobbs, R. J., et al. (2008). Ecological restoration for future sustainability in a changing environment. ã‰coscience, 15(1), 53-64.

Dowie, T. (1994). Green design. World Class Design to Manufacture, 1(4), 32-38.

Rui, H., & Xuan, W. (2013). Study on the future development of green design technology in product design. Advanced Materials Research, 694-697, 3199-3203.

Tabone, M. D., Cregg, J. J., Beckman, E. J., & Landis, A. E. (2010). Sustainability metrics: life cycle assessment and green design in polymers. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(21), 8264-9.


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