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Environment ethics in Sustainability --澳洲Paper代写范文

2016-09-12 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Paper范文

澳洲Paper代写范文:“Environment ethics in Sustainability ”,这篇论文主要描述的是环境污染的问题影响较为久远,不单单是影响着我们这一代人,随着环境污染的加剧,全球的气候也在逐渐的变暖,海平面也在不断的上升,环境污染问题也慢慢的被人们所重视,想要保持着可持续发展的环境,这就需要人们认识到环境伦理学中所讲的环境保护道德的重要性。

environmental protection,paper代写,环境伦理学,留学生作业代写,论文代写

The effect of environmental problems can cover a wide range and last for a long time. As a result, not our generation, but also our future generations will be affected. The problem of global warming has negative effect on human life and they have realized the importance of protecting environment and maintaining sustainability.

Environmental ethics is put forward as people realize that the ethics can not only exist in human world, but also in the environmental world. The article said that “Environmental ethics is about natural world out there, an offline web of life, independent of, if also related to, human being.” However, to implement environmental ethics is not easy thing to do. The objective of the implementation of environmental ethics is to maintain sustainable development so that our future generations can benefits from what we did today. According to United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development , “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In my point of view, practicing environmental ethics is urgent for us as we have seen so much pollution and the temperature in the world keeps rising due to the global warming. We can not risk our future just for temporary economic benefits.

Environment ethcs and Biodiversity

It is mystery for human beings about the diversity of species on earth. The balance between the organism and environment will help maintain sustainability. The existing of diversity is the most striking feature of earth, but human activities have greatly reduced the diversity of species as they dominate the ecosystem of the earth. All species on earth have close relationship with each other and any changes will have bad effect on the biologic chain. The conservation of biodiversity requires humans of maintain the diversity between species and ecosystem. Environment ethics states that human beings should follow certain rules, care about other species and respect the nature. The requirements of environmental ethics on species equality and ecological entiretism indicate that human beings are responsible for protecting biodiversity. Human activities for economic development have sacrificed the interests of other species, so it is their duty to make compensation. Ecology plays a privileged role in environmental ethics. The idea of ecosystem came into being as human beings have realized the concept of holism. It is true that ecosystem is functioned as a whole system with its components sharing close relationship with each other.

As we can see that large areas of forests have been cut by human beings in the past years and we have suffered from the consequence, including global warming, flood and debris flow. Forests are also the habitats for many animals and their life are threatened by disafforest. The capacity of forests for water conservation is also reduced and microorganism living in the soil can not be well protected. In my opinion, we human beings need the guidance of environmental ethics to know how to protect biodiversity.

How to implement environmental ethics and maintain sustainability

With awareness of the importance of protecting environment, human beings are making great effort to shoulder their responsibility to make the world a better place to live. As I have read the books about environmental issue, like the oil leakage on the sea mentioned in the article. I just think we should not pay attention only on the short-term economic benefits to make money with the sacrifice of the environment. What we should do is to find ways to make a balance among economic development and environmental protection. In my point of view, all including government, organizations and individuals can make their own contribution on the sustainability with the guidance of environmental ethics.

For the government, it is the main force for the implementation of the environmental ethics. On one hand, government can enact laws to force human beings to realize the importance of protecting environment and they can easily follow the policy made by the government to protect the environment. On the other hand, it is easy for government to use the power of media to spread the importance of protecting the environment. For organizations, it is their social responsibility to maintain good image to the public. It is evitable for companies to produce some waste in manufacturer and it is also their duty to deal with the problem in an environmental friendly way. They should make some investment to develop renewable/substitute resources so that they can reduce the usage of non-renewable resources. For individuals, they can also learn to reduce consumption of resources, like water and energy. We can use the recycled materials and try not to use the disposable chopsticks. No plastic bags are used so that we can reduce the white pollution. We can also ask people around us to protect environment from trivial things in our daily life. For example, we can plant trees so that some animals can live there and we can take care of them as well.

In short, environment protection needs our full attention and it is only by the efforts of all human beings in the world can protect the environment well. To maintain sustainability is the objective we should pursue in the long run and we should take every measure to develop economy without sacrifice of the environment. By learning the subject about environmental ethics and sustainability, I just realize my responsibility to protect environment and the earth we live in. I will try my best to protect environment in my life.


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