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Sociology is Part of My Everyday Life--留学生Paper代写范文

2016-09-03 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Paper范文

留学生Paper代写范文:“Sociology is Part of My Everyday Life”,这篇论文主要描述的是日常生活社会学主要是研究在日常的生活活动中人与人之间的交往行为,以及通过这些交往行为所流露出的情感和思想,因此可以认为社会学贯穿在人类社会的生活当中,并与现实生活构成了一种辩证的关系,两者间相互作用着。

Sociology embodies an array of micro perspectives such as dramaturgy, ethnomethodology, symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and existential sociology (The sociological perspective, n.d). The underlying themes that serve to bind these broad subfields are not only discussed but also explained in a unified approach, all integrated in study of social interactions. The history of development of daily life sociology is outlined by way of explained by way of indicating people’s ideas and environment that aided in shaping this progressing theoretical movement. This means that the study of day to day life is not only a chief, but also a central aspect of sociology. It is quite imperative to bear in mind that sociology and everyday life are two distinct entities and situations. However, the two are evidenced to pose a dialectical relationship, thus the challenge of viewing them differently. Day to day life consists of everyday human interactions while sociology seeks to study human interaction. Everyday life is actually permeated by persons when they interact with one another, emotions, ideas and institutions. Sociology aims to study interaction with each and every aspect highlighted above whilst showing how mere interactions result in things such as institutions and ideas (pearsonhighered.com, n.d).

In each day that I wake up, come in contact with people I speak with, and what I do. This phenomenon is referred to as sociological. I wake up every morning and find myself interacting with objects like my beloved music, clothes and journals. The way in which I relate with the highlighted objects can be referred to as sociology of identification. This is because various objects that I am fond of interacting with on a day to day basis have grown to be part and parcel of me. I love country music. Therefore, I find myself playing the music at least once in a day. In most cases, I love listening to the music very early in the mornings, just before embarking on my day’s schedule. I am fond of country music such that I often sing while in bathroom. The rest of my family are used with my fondness of country music and as such, they don’t have to gamble around who is singing from the washrooms. My youngest sister always makes fun of me when I am busy taking a shower. She pretty well knows that I love singing my music while taking a shower, and for this reason, she in most cases sits near the washroom where she waits until I am through (pearsonhighered.com, n.d). In other words, music has formed part of my identity and this is one of the major ways through which my family members recognize me.

Navy blue jeans and t-shirts form one of my favorite wears. Since my childhood, I have always liked to be simple in regard to how I dress. I am not carried away by waves of fashion like most people of my age do. Just like country music, my mode of dressing has grown to be yet another way through which people identity me. All my life, I have been living with my parents and siblings. It is a common phenomenon for every member of the family to assemble at the dining table to have a common breakfast in the morning. This means I have to say good morning to my family members, have breakfast together as we brief each other about the day’s schedule. This has been a tradition within the family whereby even the youngest sibling has to participate in the family’s breakfast and talk. I love cooking and I often prepare breakfast for my family. I have always found it good to not only recognize but also participate in my family institution (pearsonhighered.com, n.d).

My participation in the family is more recognizable when I take part in preparing foodstuffs such as tea muffins. I always feel good when I receive comments from my family regarding the good quality of my cooking. In fact, most of them say that it is very easy to differentiate between breakfasts that I have prepared from what any other family member has prepared. Sociology of identification in this case is not only witnessed but also experienced by my family member through my cooking. When I go church, I like interacting with people from all walks of life and particularly the children. I like nurturing talents of the young ones through teaching hymns, choral versus and dances which they perform before the congregation. In most cases after Sunday services, I receive several commentary notes from parents of the children I mentor. Most of these parents always say that I have a talent and the fact that I use my talent to nurture young children is very inspiring. In other words, while in church, I know what is expected of me and thus, try as much as possible to act in the manner labeled right. Therefore, I find myself interacting with a set of norms through conformation (pearsonhighered.com, n.d).

Sociological theory of identification appears to play a pragmatic role in my various social situations described above. I am easily identified through how I conduct myself in my family institution and church. This knowledge reveals very essential explanation of the diversity of sociology. Categorization is a central prerequisite in regard to the entire classification along with knowledge. Categorization is also a central point of consideration when it comes to defining sociology. Classification of humans is the actual identification of other persons, bearing in mind the respect to social identity. Social identification involves similarities and differences. It is founded in a dialectical interaction amid external and internal identification whereby external identification is categorization (pearsonhighered.com, n.d). The specific impact of identity categorization is dependent on cognitive internalization and also its significances. The capacity of an actor (I) to make identities of other to count is also a chief impact of identity categorization. Through my participation in the family institution, I have been in a good position to make identities of other people to count. My deep passion for country music has always made me play my favorite songs in the mornings, even when in the washroom. This has been my identity and my family members, particularly my younger sister are always drifted toward where I am. My participation in making the family’s breakfast has always left a mark on my family members in that they always comment on the deliciousness of the breakfast that I have prepared.

Basis for sociological analysis is set by the ideal fact of our day to day life, where streams and patterns of life are instigated. This fact also helps us to become better witnesses of what we do, thus having a better understanding of ourselves. Sociology is used in various contexts in our daily lives such as the code of behavior one exhibits in front of people. This makes sociology a day to day aspect of life.


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