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Wittgenstein's philosophy of language

2019-10-21 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: 更多范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Wittgenstein's philosophy of language,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了维特根斯坦的语言哲学观。維特根斯坦的语言哲学思想不仅影响了哲学的两大流派,而且对语言的教与学也产生了重要的启示。他对语言意义的再思考、对思想的表达、对逻辑世界的厘清丰富了外语教学的理论基础,拓宽了语言教学的思路。维特根斯坦强调生活形式的重要,认为一切语言都来源于生活,即使是早期的语言哲学思想也为语言划出了界限。

Wittgenstein is regarded as one of the great philosophers in the 20th century. Wittgenstein's philosophy affirms people's ability to use language to express and communicate, and to some extent reveals the possibility of second language acquisition. Wittgenstein emphasized the importance of life form and believed that all languages come from life, which brought important enlightenment to the teaching and learning of language.

Wittgenstein is regarded as one of the great philosophers in the 20th century. His philosophy, which seemed to be quite different in the early and late period, actually expressed wittgenstein's unique views on the philosophy of language from different aspects. Wittgenstein's philosophy not only has a profound influence on formal philosophy and analytical philosophy, but also has an important guiding significance for solving practical problems in language teaching.

Wittgenstein was not born a philosopher, but his study of philosophy is profound and unique. Wittgenstein's early thinking on the world was presented in a form of logic, depicting the world with images, believing that the logical world was displayed by logical images. Wittgenstein's early philosophy was influenced by the school of scientific philosophy of logical atomism.

In wittgenstein's view, people think about the world through symbols, which do not necessarily refer to the form of language, because the birth of thought before language. Here, wittgenstein interpreted the thought symbol as the propositional symbol to express the thought, so the propositional symbol is the carrier of the thought expression, and the proposition is "the propositional symbol that has a projection relationship with the world". When propositional symbols are applied to thinking, they are thought. Since proposition is the carrier of thought, it must have logical isomorphism with fact. Wittgenstein thinks that the fact consists of basic events is atomic events, basic situation by basic proposition, fundamental propositions can be summarized by proposition and proposition by propositional symbol projection, propositional symbol and it occupied in logical coordinates determine the logic of propositional symbol position, so every proposition in logic occupies a certain position in space. The logical isomorphism of proposition and fact can also be understood as that fact is logically expressed by proposition in the form of projection, and fact and proposition correspond logically by thought through propositional symbols.

Wittgenstein pointed out at the beginning of the fourth chapter of logical philosophy that the sum of propositions is language. Propositions express ideas and describe facts through language. Wittgenstein affirmed that human beings have the ability to use language to express ideas and describe facts. People can always express different ideas or express ideas in different occasions through different language forms and collocation. Language is like the coat of thought, showing external differences through different purposes. If we can understand the logic that language expresses, we can understand the world that language expresses. In wittgenstein's early philosophy, the objects corresponding to the facts constituting the logical world are concrete and describable, that is, they can be expressed clearly in language. In the logical world, "I", as the subject capable of logical thinking, bears all the facts that can be thought in logical thinking. The logical world and "I" are actually one, and "I" is both the subject of logical thinking and the logical world itself. Language is the coat of thought. Logical thinking needs to be expressed through language. Language cannot judge the existence or non-existence of logic. Therefore, language, as an expression symbol, can only express the fact that thoughts can think, that is to say, language can only express the fact that is logical, because if language can't express the fact that is thinking and not logical, then the content expressed by the language is meaningless and is not valid in the logical world. The limit of language is not to express logically illogical thinking.

The core of wittgenstein's later philosophy is "language game theory". His former and later philosophical thoughts seem to be in great contrast, but in fact there are inevitable connections. Wittgenstein's early interpretation of the world, thought, logic and language made him rethink these problems from a new perspective. If illogical propositions cannot be thought and expressed, is the world made up of logical and illogical? Is metaphysics beyond logic? Why can't the logical world be the research category of metaphysics? How can the proposition expressed by language confirm the non-metaphysical object? It can be seen that wittgenstein's reflection on his earlier thoughts made him have new thoughts on language and put forward the "theory of language games" which has a profound influence on the philosophy of language.

"Language game theory" first thinks about the meaning of language. In wittgenstein's image theory of describing the world with language, language can be used to express the objects that constitute the world, because the objects referred to in the logical world are concrete and describable. The meaning of language is that it can describe the form of the logical world and refer to the objects of the logical world. The world described by language and concrete objects are relatively static and stable. Along with wittgenstein's in-depth study of the meaning of language, he realized the limitation of this earlier thought, because the objects were not all stable and static, and the forms of the logical world could also be varied. If the relation between language and object is one to one, then the changed object becomes hard to describe. Is it necessary to create new language or rematch words? Wittgenstein later realized that there were a large number of non-nominal words in the language, which could not all establish a label relationship with the object, and the use of the language in real life should be more flexible. There is no such thing as "essence" of language, only certain similarity or connection in use. "Language game" emphasizes the different forms of language in different practical activities and the diversity of language meaning in different activities and scenarios.

Late for thinking about the meaning of language wittgenstein, how early in the established the relationship between language and image structure based on logical form and the language of the fixed rules, and "language game" to deny the rules of the language with nature and fixed, people believed that language is a tool to achieve the purpose of, in different occasions or activities should follow different rules of the game or activity. Wittgenstein believed that the use of language was first inseparable from the activities in which it was located. In wittgenstein's view, the "activity" was a form of life, which could be regarded as a form of game. Wittgenstein attributed different activities of language use to different forms of life. In his opinion, all languages are developed in life. No matter serious expressions or light jokes, they are all tools used by people to communicate in life. Language cannot exist apart from the main body that USES it. The meaning of language has different expressions in different occasions and activities.

Although wittgenstein denied that language has fixed rules, he believed that the use of language, as a game activity, should also follow the common rules of the game. It is a necessary condition for the existence and continuation of games to abide by the rules of commonality, and a necessary requirement for language to have meaning. The rules here are recognized, extracted and observed in language use activities. The formation of language rules depends on the subject of language practice and practical application scenarios, which are specific and connected. Language games are the basis for the generation of rules, which cannot be separated from the rules of the game. Rules are learned and used in the game, and can be observed and tested in the game. Rules are not only necessary, specific, but also relative and variable. There are many ways to play a game, a language, and when its users and circumstances change, it is possible to use different words, or the same words may have different meanings, even for the same purpose. This is why wittgenstein denied the essence of language and the invariable rules in his later period.

Wittgenstein's philosophy of language has not only influenced the two major schools of philosophy, but also produced important enlightenment to the teaching and learning of language. His rethinking of the meaning of language, expression of ideas and clarification of the logical world have enriched the theoretical basis of foreign language teaching and broadened the thinking of language teaching. As a gifted philosopher, wittgenstein's philosophy is hard to understand even by his teacher Russell, but his "unspeakable theory" and "language game theory" are full of healing. Wittgenstein emphasized the importance of life forms and believed that all languages came from life. Even the early philosophy of language drew a boundary for language. This idea of emphasizing language practice is still of great significance to language teaching today.


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