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American college startup education

2018-11-08 来源: 51due教员组 类别: 更多范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- American college startup education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国高校创业教育。美国的大部分高校都把创业教育划分成一个专业研究方向,学校设有创业课程教学大纲和外延拓展计划,创业教育领域都具备完整系统的专业课程结构体系。依据创业课程教学计划,来开展创业教学,授课的教学内容采用模块化的教学方式来组织完成,模块通常由基础理论教学部分以及模拟练习部分、案例分析部分等组成。通过系统化的创业课程教学引导,逐步实现创业教学目标,落实创业教育理念。

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The United States started a startup education earlier, more than 50 years of history. Harvard business school professor Myles Mace first started the Management of New Enterprises in 1947 and has long been regarded as the first course of entrepreneurship in the United States. This is also the first time that entrepreneurship has been mentioned in universities. Babson is one of the first universities to offer a formal education course on entrepreneurship as an undergraduate. In 1968, it launched a course on entrepreneurship. In foreign countries, starting education in the 1980s has become an important part of university education. In China, the ministry of education issued education revitalization action plan for the 21st century at the end of 1998, which mentioned the new concept of entrepreneurship education for the first time, and pointed out that schools must "strengthen education for teachers and students, and take measures to encourage them to establish high-tech enterprises independently".

Generally considered budding stage from 1947 to 1970, mainly young commercial clubs and world marked by Horace Moses. Since its creation in 1919, the business society has played an important role in education in the United States. Its implementation of business practice education in high school students, it can be said that the startup education launched in American colleges and universities. But because of the 1945-1970 period, the United States was in the great industrial age. During this period, the large companies in the United States gradually flourished and developed into large oligarchs, while the small companies were faced with excessive competition pressure, leading to direct bankruptcy. In such an environment of the United States, the startup education is just in the bud, and there is no social support for development. Therefore, the implementation of startup education is hindered.

This stage was from 1970 to 2000, when the world economy recovered and a large number of new small and medium-sized enterprises emerged in the United States. Therefore, in this situation, the "entrepreneurial revolution" promoted the rapid development of entrepreneurship education. In 1979, 127 undergraduate universities in the United States started new courses on entrepreneurship education. By 1986, there were 590 universities offering education courses, and by 1999 there were 1,060. In early 2005, there were more than 1,600 universities in the United States offering education. At the same time, it launched some influential journals on entrepreneurship education. The journal of small business management was founded in 1963. In 1988, the journal of American small business was renamed entrepreneurship theory and practice in 1975. In 1985, the journal of enterprise entrepreneurship was founded.

Generally think that the phase from 2000 began to continue to date, perfecting stage can be considered a step towards the mature period of entrepreneurship education, and by the academy of management and business department take the lead in put forward the "Dr Entrepreneurship" project, and open a Dr "BBS", in order to promote entrepreneurship to be actively engaged in research, developing business entrepreneurship education, create business development aspects of the course. The well-known kauffman foundation in the United States actively expands cooperation opportunities with some colleges and universities, and also creates the course of "entrepreneurship education lifelong learning program". Therefore, there are a large number of entrepreneurship teachers in American colleges and universities during this period.

At this stage, American society pays special attention to the development of entrepreneurship education. For example, some journals such as success, American news and entrepreneur often report the success and development trends of university entrepreneurship education and rank the development status of university entrepreneurship education. As a result, the ranking has now become a new standard to measure the quality of American college start-ups education. The economic income of colleges and the enrollment employment rate are affected by the ranking.

In the United States, most colleges and universities divide entrepreneurship education into a professional research direction. The school has an entrepreneurship course syllabus and extension expansion plan, and the entrepreneurship education field has a complete and systematic professional course structure system. Entrepreneurship teaching is carried out according to the entrepreneurship course teaching plan. The teaching content is organized and completed in a modular way. The module usually consists of basic theory teaching part, simulation exercise part and case analysis part. Through systematic teaching guidance of entrepreneurship course, the goal of entrepreneurship teaching is gradually realized, and the concept of entrepreneurship education is implemented.

The American college entrepreneurship education organization consists of the entrepreneurs' association, the family enterprise institute, the entrepreneurship education center, the think tank and the entrepreneurship institute. The entrepreneurs' association is generally composed of excellent entrepreneurs, who will guide the entrepreneurship teaching and give regular donations to the entrepreneurship center. The family enterprise institute will hold a family enterprise seminar and a series of entrepreneurship lectures every year to recommend outstanding family enterprise awards, promote the rapid development of family enterprises and train successors for family enterprises. Think tanks are attended by the heads of large corporations and meet annually to propose measures to promote development and implement advisory feedback. The entrepreneurship research society mainly carries out some academic exchanges on entrepreneurship, and establishes a communication platform for entrepreneurship researchers and educators, and publishes conference abstracts and papers regularly. The education center for entrepreneurship is the organization that develops and implements the education research plan, the education curriculum plan, and the extension expansion plan.

At present, American startup education has a complete set of teaching system and social entrepreneurship system, with special emphasis on the practicality of startup education. In the whole system of entrepreneurship education in a planned way the entrepreneurship courses, and establish the entrepreneurship education research association, sets up the undergraduate and graduate college innovation cooperation center, business management, etc., and form a organic whole society innovation cooperation center, can through the risk investment institutions, science and technology park, entrepreneurship training and qualification assessment institution, entrepreneurs connection, gradually form of colleges and universities, enterprises and social virtuous cycle education system structure of the three common development, all kinds of social entrepreneurship resources, give full play to the guiding role effectively.

At the same time, we should also recognize the environment of American university entrepreneurship education, and the American society has always provided a good foundation and development conditions. First of all, starting from education in primary school, students have been emphasizing the development of their own personality, paying attention to the cultivation of independent thinking ability, laying a foundation for the entrepreneurship of education in universities. Secondly, most American universities have a startup education fund, which provides sufficient financial support for the successful development of startup education. Once again, all American universities attach great importance to entrepreneurship education, and actively provide various conveniences for students' entrepreneurship activities. Finally, American colleges and universities focus on cooperation with companies, and companies at all levels provide opportunities for teachers and students to conduct surveys and research projects.

With the rapid advancement of American university entrepreneurship education, corresponding monitoring mechanism and evaluation system have been gradually improved. Since 1990, famous American journals such as business week, success and entrepreneur have evaluated the annual education evaluation of college startups in the United States. Now evaluation involves the following: teachers in colleges and universities the number of papers and books related to entrepreneurship education research, colleges and universities set up the entrepreneurship curriculum content, university and social enterprises cooperation and exchange, the social influence of entrepreneurship education, the development of entrepreneurship education innovation projects, graduates in the society of the pioneering into achievement and alumni of feedback, the evaluation way for universities and colleges in the United States effectively evaluate entrepreneurship education project. In this way, it promotes the competition of education in American colleges and universities, directly affects the application rate of colleges and universities, and realizes the mutual learning, mutual promotion and common improvement of education in colleges and universities through effective guidance mechanism.


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