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A Midsummer Night’s Dream—加拿大代写

2017-05-25 来源: 51due教员组 类别: 更多范文

本篇A Midsummer Night’s Dream—加拿大代写讲了莎士比亚是历史上世界上最出色的剧作家之一,他在创造好喜剧和悲剧方面表现出色。在他的历史剧中,其中一个着名戏剧被称为仲夏夜之梦。在戏剧中,有一群人参与,其中包括忒修斯和希波利亚的婚姻。本篇加拿大代写由51due论文代写机构整理,供大家参考阅读。

Shakespeare is one of the world’s most outstanding playwrights in the history, who was excellent in creating good comedies as well as tragedies. In his historical plays, one of the famous plays is called A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In the play, a group of people were involved, which included the marriage of Theseus as well as Hipplolyta. In fact, for the interconnected stories among these people, they have demonstrated that love was not easy as in the play, it was mentioned by Lysander that “The course of true love never did run smooth.” Audiences might assume that this is another typical story from William Shakespeare about the romantic experiences of a man and a woman. However, from the play itself, it did not focus too much on sweet talking or the excessive expression of how a person yearns for love like that in Romeo and Juliet. On the contrary, it focuses on describing the pains or how their terrible experiences had been torturing themselves. Therefore, the plot was designed to be very twisted because it could impress the audiences and let them realize that the playwright himself simply wanted to mock and poke fun at the sad experiences of the protagonists. In fact, the props on the stage were not too costly because the actors and actresses did not wear very fancy costumes. It is understandable because in the play itself, the actors and actresses all stayed in the forest where in the ancient time, people simply wore very outdated or raged clothing. 
However, I think the props are not enough because for one scene in which the actors were arguing, they did not reply on background or fancy costumes to impress the audiences. On the contrary, they relied on the professional acting skills of the actors on the stage as well as their exaggerated body languages. For example, when the actor yelled, “…certain stars shot madly from their spheres to hear the sea maid’s music”, he was so angry that his body became all red and he was at the same time holding very tight his fists. On the stage, there were nothing more as he was topless. As a result, how much the story can impress the audiences depends on his body language and his tones. Apparently, he raised his tone to be high in hope of letting the audiences feel his anger. 
Also, the background music was creepy enough as it was not played to be very loud. On the contrary, most of the time, audiences could barely hear the background music at all. I think this part is well designed because the audiences could focus more on the plot itself and how happened to the protagonists. In fact, for the play, it had represented the issues of sexuality very well because in the play, when the female protagonist wanted to fight for her love, it was not too easy as it is said that women at the time needed to marry the men who were appointed by their parents and the only way to fight back was not to insist on their own opinions but to escape away. Also, the class was like the identity of a person which means that two people from different classes could not be husbands and wives. Also, the women are the passive ones because the fate of Hermia somehow depended on Lysander as in the middle of the story when Lysander fell in love with other people, she could not do anything to change her fate. To conclude, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a great play with impressive plots to mock the inflictions of the protagonists. 

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