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A Discussion of the Influence of Television Programme on the Behavior of Teenager

2021-08-23 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文


Since the emergence of TV, a powerful media, it has penetrated into every aspect of social life with irresistible force. But any new thing is a double-edged sword. It has positive and negative aspects, and it is true of television. The television media is the main media for young people. Watching TV shows has taken a relatively high proportion of young people's extra-curricular life. TV media has great appeal to young people. However, because the television media has such attractiveness for young people, the bad content of television programs, the adverse effects of television advertising, and poor viewing behavior will have a greater negative impact on young people. In this essay, it discusses the influence of television programme on the behavior teenager.

TV programs’ violent and erotic content is seriously endangering the mentality of teenagers. In the classic study made by the communication scholar George Gerbner, the television violence was defined as the manifestation of military force intended to harm or kill. Cartoon is not a paradise for children's programs. In the children's program, people can also see that some of the violence involved with the use of documentary techniques. Also all kinds of details unfolded in the detective cases. For adolescents who have not yet established a perfect value orientation, the programs are very harmful and can easily cause imitative behaviors triggered by curiosity. The cartoon is a form of television programming that teens love. However, many cartoons broadcast on television are violent and violent. The cartoon contains a "spirit of violence." "Transformers," and science fiction films such as "Superman" are violent programs to some degree. Although it is a struggle between justice and evil, the way that justice overcomes evil is violence, and there are many scenes of struggle, bloody, pain, and injury in cartoons, which will have a subtle influence on the psychology and behaviors of young people. The self-poisoning is increasing in the UK among adolescents related to the media portrayal of suicidal(Simkin, et al, 1995). Erotic information is rampant as well. There is the influence of mass media on the sex problems of teenagers(Mosse, 1966). At present, pornographic information is flooded with TV dramas, music videos and advertisements. There is an ambivalence of sex in “Skin”, an British teen drama which makes it difficult to tell ideological stance on sexual issues(Berridge, 2013). Also, there are many advertisements that use beauty images. Also shampoo, and shower gel advertising is full of beautiful bathing pictures.  The portrayals of sex on television caused adolescents to sexual relationships(Borinca, 2015).These pornographic messages will have a strong stimulus for young people who are not yet mature and likely to cause improper behavior. 

Kitsch and excessive entertainment is a serious phenomenon in TV program as well. Adolescents are people between the ages of 13 and 20, and most of them are students during this period. As students who are exposed to physical and psychological stress, they need to relax. The entertainment television program also undoubtedly provides them with a happy platform. In order to meet the needs of the audience and pursue more commercial interests, the television media gradually embarked on the road to entertainment. In current television programming, its stresses more on entertainment instead of development purposes(Usaini, & Ekeanyanwu, 2010). In his book “Amusing ourselves to Death,” New York University professor Neil Postman pointed out sharply that the tendency of television to dominate culture to become entertaining is worldwide. Nowadays, entertainment, as an element, has taken absolute hegemony in the television industry. With the vulgarization of reality TV programs, and entertainment programs, the peeping of celebrity life in programs has become the key to the high ratings of TV channels. Gradually, there is an unclear ambiguity between the entertainment of television programs and the vulgarization of television programs. The entertainment of television programs is not only the trend of the times, but also the transition from elite culture to mass culture. The benefits of joyful body and mind and relaxation are unquestionable. However, as a mainstream media, the entertainment of television programs brings to the audience an illusion of morality and values, as well as misguided attitudes towards life and society, will have an unimaginable impact on the audience with an immature mind, naive, and curious feature. Then, it is hard to tell where young people will be taken away by the tide of entertainment in television programs. Also, at present, many television programs are serious about kitsch. Many entertainment programs engage in "star building" projects and beauty contests. Since the programs are lively and relaxed, many young people like to watch such programs, admire the idol stars in the program, and have a great favor for such an overnight program. They are eager to become one of those stars. This kind of speculative psychology has a negative effect on young people. This star-like success has become a model for young people, which has led to the upsurge of young people participating in this process of star competition. This guidance is not conducive to adolescents to establish a healthy sense of success.


Excessive viewing of television programs threatens the physical and mental health of young people. After the long-term viewing of the TV, the children will unknowingly rely on the picture, and ignore the text. According to a survey, the state anxiety, total mood disturbance (TMD) increased after watching the news on television for long period of time(Szabo,  & Hopkinson, 2007). Also, children who watch television for a long time rarely have time to read books or engage in outdoor activities. They have less time to improve their reading ability and cultivate reading habits, and they will encounter more difficulties in reading. This has brought great pressure on language teaching. Strong electro-optical, noise, and visual and sensory sensations and electromagnetic pollution of minors can induce many diseases. At present, there are a lot of diseases that have been identified as TV-related, including hyperactivity, delirium, headache, sleep disorders, anorexia, phobia, autism, gastrointestinal disorders, myopia or astigmatism, and skin rash. Teenagers who watch TV for a long period of time often show symptoms such as reduced hearing and vision, physical decline, low efficiency, lack of curiosity and patience. Whether it is the eyes or the exhausted body, it will surely be greatly hurt. Now, there are a lot of young people who are short-sighted because of watching television. Moreover, even if teenagers really relax their body and mind while watching TV, the adverse effects of entertainment on television programs will take advantage of them when they are physically and mentally exhausted. Whether it is money worship, materialism or other bad moral concepts, the pursuit of excitement, violence, and pure entertainment will lead young people to go wrong and go astray. For example, TV programs make it easy for teenagers to develop impulse consumption. TV commercials are the favorite for teenagers, and some TV commercials lock the market to teenagers. Some advertisement words can easily attract young people's attention to the products. Such slogans as “I like McDonald's” can easily lead to children's identity, and they can easily lead adolescents to blind and impulsive consumption concepts.

Since young people are physiologically immature individuals, it is necessary to externally control their behavior. The watching of television is the number one leisure activity for both children and adults(Prawd, 1995). But teenagers are not only different from children, but also have different special psychological activities from adults. They are more sensitive to changes in the external environment, lack judgment and rational thinking but have persistent enthusiasm, and affirmation and exploration of the value of life. They have a good yearning for the future of life and desire for success, personalized behavior and sense of belonging to the collective. Also, there is a strong sense of curiosity and the pursuit of novelty and other special psychological. It also shows that in the youth period, families, schools, and society need to correctly guide young people. It can be said that people in this period are on the verge of danger. Only by properly guiding them can they be truly mature and become a healthy person. TV shows are undoubtedly the largest means of navigation for youngsters. The television media has an important guiding role in educating young people and guiding young people. For elementary and middle school students, television is their way of learning knowledge and culture. It is also the most important channel for obtaining outside information and an important way to promote the socialization of their own individuals. Parents usually have to pay more attention to television program forecasts and timely screening of television programs for children to watch for selection. Parents should improve their aesthetic ability and education level, critically and aesthetically watch TV to cultivate children's interest in watching proper programs. Not only should teenagers look with your eyes, but also with their heart, and encourage their child to evaluate television programs in a timely manner.

However, because television culture is a kind of social culture with strong penetration, the limitation of viewing behaviors of young people by some parents alone can not eliminate their negative impacts. Generally speaking, the dissemination function of TV programs is mainly reflected in public opinion, public education, and culture and entertainment. This shows that the value of television media is also the value of social responsibility. There is a need to work together to solve this problem from all aspects of society. At present, the complete elimination of violence from television does not seem to be realistic. It also requires a long process. Therefore, people must first improve the management system of television programs and purify the television screen with a strict program review. Programs that contain violence, pornography, etc. will not be broadcast or will be broadcast after modification. TV should strictly control reports of violent news, such as reports of explosions, homicides, kidnappings, poisoning, hijackings, and riots. If violent news that is particularly important requires reporting, it should be submitted for approval in accordance with regulations. Film and television programs must strictly control violence and erotic footage. Broadcasting, film and television works and advertisements shall prevent pornographic depictions and pictures, strictly control sexually suggestive or excessively exposed shots. Second, it should be controlled legally and technically. Specific laws are required to impose punitive measures on television stations and film production departments that contain violence, pornography, terror, and homicide. In addition, the guidance of schools and families should also be strengthened. Schools should play a more active role in educating young people and guiding young people to get rid of the negative impact of television programs on young people. In recent years, a new discipline, media pedagogy, has begun to emerge. This subject is a discipline that teaches young people how to read the media. It tells children how to think about the information that appears on the media. It will certainly have a positive impact on young people. The content of control should include viewing time, program content, sitting position and viewing mode.

With the rapid development of the times, TV as a mass media has gradually become the main channel for people to contact the outside world and understand current affairs. As a mainstream culture, television culture has a huge impact on television viewers, especially young people. Current TV programs are mixed in quality with the violent and exotic content, and the television culture they disseminate has so many negative effects on young people. The entertainment of television programs strives to popularize and strengthen the highlighting of recreational entertainment functions. At the same time, they ignore social benefits and violate moral and aesthetic values. The entertainment of television programs is inevitable, but only when the entertainment of television programs is truly educational, the television programs can produce more positive effects for young people. It is necessary to curb the trend of the vulgarization of television programs and reduce the negative impact on people’s outlook on life and values.



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