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The development of Geographic Information System

2021-04-07 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文

今天51due教员组给大家带来一篇优秀的论文“The development of Geographic Information System”,这篇论文讨论了地理信息系统的发展状况。近几年,地理信息系统凭借着信息技术和计算机技术的大力支持,得到了飞速的发展,对各行各业的帮助都非常大。有了地理信息系统的支持,大家在面对各种问题的时候才能快速地做出决定。一起来看看吧 有论文需要帮忙的亲亲可以联系我们的专属客服微信:Even100100进行咨询喔~

The development of Geographic Information System


Geographic Information System in the current land resources development and utilization of a wide range of applications. With modern computer technology, information technology and advanced science and technology, strong support, geographic information systems in all walks of life play a huge role, which greatly promoted the enhancement of social productive forces. Articles carried around the system development and issues related to the application of geographic information to explore, introduces the basic concepts of geographic information systems, composition and technical characteristics, describes the geographic information system of the basic functions, described the Geographic Information System the development of species, and finally the application of geographic information systems were introduced and analyzed.

With economic development and social prosperity, human production, for natural living demand for resources is increasing. On land development, resource utilization of science and technology related fields has gained rapid development. Geographic Information System is the traditional geographic information management and modern information technology combine to form a product, as an important tool for geographic information management plays a pivotal role in all areas of people's livelihood. The author combines long-term practice, try to discuss the development of geographic information system GIS, hoping to improve the utilization efficiency of geographic information system for all of us, to better carry out the production work to help.

With the development of science and technology, the gap between the traditional disciplines getting smaller and smaller, subject matter into smaller, more and more crossover phenomenon. When the development of computer technology and Internet technology to a certain extent, and the clever combination of traditional earth science together, geographic information systems was born. The technology is based on computer hardware as the carrier and its ancillary equipment, computer technology, information technology as the basis, to the earth's atmosphere some or whole work object, through information on the geographic data collection, collation, analysis, storage and processing, display and other functions to provide information support for human conduct industrial and agricultural production, health care, scientific research, military and national defense, disaster relief and other social activities, development of human activity program, a basic guarantee decisions. Geographic Information System has a very high range of applications, feature-rich, strong applicability, is an important tool for modernization indispensable.

Geographic information system is a system of hardware and software by a plurality of elements according to certain rules thereof. Each constituent unit has a certain function, another joint, coordinated interaction, provide geographic data collection, management geographic information system, processing, analysis, modeling and display services to assist people to construction planning and project management related work.

As a product of cross-disciplinary, GIS technology has very prominent characteristics in various aspects, there are the following three aspects: First, the strong information processing capability to geographic pairs spatial information to be collected, management, analysis and output. Space and dynamic high. Second, geographic information systems (GIS) of the fundamental purpose is to study geography and geographic decision-making, by building an integrated geographic information model to conduct spatial analysis, factor analysis and dynamic forecast, etc., to provide decision-making reference for the higher level of production activities. Third, the system membership by computer information processing platform, spatial data collected shall be managed in accordance with certain standards, calculation, analysis, sorting and utilization of its results for the efficient conduct of human activity has a positive role in promoting the efficiency and level far more than the traditional geographic information processing tools.

Geographic information system comprises six basic functions. First, data collection and editing relevant information for the study, construction and constantly improve the GIS geographic information database, to maximize maintains its integrity in space and content. Second is the geographic information collected and processed in accordance with the conversion method and form, in order to ensure the database corresponding to various types of data are in compliance rules and standards, and maintain the integrity and consistency in the content logically. The third is to be managed and stored for collection of GIS data sources. Geographic Information System is a fundamental function is to build a geographic information database. Integrated geographical information in GIS database construction required database definition, establishment and maintenance of the database, database operation, communication and other functions, making it possible to carry out more complex data management and storage. Fourth mapping function. GIS geographic model to work through, and its fundamental purpose is to provide decision-making reference for the people, and the resulting output collate information displayed to people in order to achieve information support services. Various types of GIS maps that were the result of a major information channel data. With advanced modern technology can provide all kinds of GIS vector map or raster map based on demand. Both provide a comprehensive geographic information services through total factor map for the user, can also provide specific information about a particular aspect of service through the formation of a single map for users. Fifth, to provide space for customer inquiries and spatial analysis services. Specifically including topological spatial query, buffer analysis, digital elevation model of the establishment, terrain analysis and so on. Six is the second development and programming. GIS work using a computer for processing data related information, in order to meet various business needs, the system provides a complete GIS programming function. You can use these commands and functions can be programmed to meet the needs of their own particular aspect.

Geographic information system is essentially a collection and collation of geographic information data, analysis and computing platforms. System functions depends on the related software and hardware performance levels. Currently, many companies are engaged in development work GIS system, by improving the quality of the hardware and software level, the GIS toward a more perfect, more excellent performance, man-machine interface more friendly direction. Different regions, different business focus on the development of GIS varies, reflected in many aspects of data structures, integrated and intelligent.

This type of GIS is the introduction of multimedia technology in GIS, rich messaging and multimedia display function, increase the affinity of GIS man-machine interface, to help people more easily use GIS, but also through text, graphics (image), in many ways colors, sounds, colors, animation and other GIS information more intuitive and flexible to show to the people. The introduction of multimedia technology, GIS and make people's lives more closely, the application of GIS in the areas of human life to achieve a substantial leap forward.

GIS geographic information processing system, since the GIS development into practice, its application in the geography of the most extensive and in-depth, most mature technology. As a branch of the natural sciences, geography has accumulated a large amount of data in the long process of development. Geographic information systems by means of the previous collection, collation of data and research results, together with data provided by thematic maps and a variety of remote sensing data constitute the source of GIS data. Whatever the work carried out, geographic information systems require three types of information as the basis of the above data, on this basis, then according to the needs of a particular business, using specific processes and methods to be addressed. By the end of the final drafting of the way results are displayed, and to assess the study and analysis of development trend in the next period of time according to the results of this analysis.

Society in the continuous development of the theory of natural science is constantly changing. Advanced information technology, given a number of new concepts thing. Digital Earth is the Information Technology and Earth Sciences product of the combination. Consequent emergence of the digital environment. Digital environment is based on EMIS, DE, DE, GPS and other technologies derived from the large-scale systems engineering. And geographic information system technology appears, for the environmental protection of digital plug in the new wing. GIS gives digital tools more environmentally friendly features, environment mapping, thematic analysis, statistical analysis of performance, space equivalent analysis, simulation results show, information inquiry and so have achieved a great breakthrough, the tedious, abstract geography in a vivid way to show directly to people, so that people on the geography of the target area has a more comprehensive and clear understanding, so that decision-making has become more accurate and simple. Geographic information systems in environmental protection, planning, monitoring, impact assessment have important applications.

In summary, the human face of the current production and life growing demand for geographic information, geographic information system, with powerful information processing technology and different forms of functions, providing people with a rich, comprehensive, detailed and in-depth geographic information services. By supporting GIS, people can make more correct, accurate and appropriate decisions in a short period of time only when you deal with all kinds of difficult problems. Modern enterprises should fully understand the great advantages of GIS, and take full advantage of the superior characteristics of GIS technology for their own services, in order to achieve more effective economic, security, cultural and social maximize their own to achieve sustainable development for the escort.



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