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The basic definition of a robot

2020-08-04 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文


下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- The basic definition of a robot,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是机器人曾经看起来像是科幻小说,但如今,机器人已成为我们日常生活的一部分。它们被应用于我们生活的许多方面。从视频中了解了如何使用它们以及如何执行任务的示例。但首先,回顾一下机器人的基本定义。机器人是一台机器,是一种本身可以自动移动的机制。

The basic definition of a robot

Robots, they once seem like science fiction, but today, robots are part of our everyday life. They are applied in many aspects of our lives. The examples of how they are used and the tasks they are performing are learned from the video.

But first, the basic definition of robots is reviewed. A robot is a machine, a mechanism that can move automatically by itself. Some of the robots of the early 1900s were controlled by radio signals. Since the 1940s, scientists have made robots that can be programmed . They can be controlled by a computer brain. So robots are programable, and they must do two things.

The first thing they should do is that they must obtain information of the environment. It should have at least one sense, like see, fell, hear, smell, or taste. For example, the “Gasbot” can detect gas leak that human cannot smell, and the researchers in Denmark “biosensor” to taste food.

The second thing they should do is that they must do something with the information, they must perform a task. For example, the robots in the car factory see car parts, and then they pick the part and connect the part not other part of the car. The robot in the food processing plant finds the dirty surfaces and clean them up.Increasingly, robots are performing a lot of work. Most of the works are “4Ds”, which means they are dull, difficult, dirty and dangerous. They do the work people cannot do or don’t want to do.

One very important way we use robot is in the industry. 90% of the robots today are used in the factories. The work there are very dull and repetitive, and no human can be more efficient than a robot. For example, a robot in a chocolate factory can put the chocolate into the box for 20000 times in one 8-hour working day.

Robots also do work that is too dangerous and dirty for human. For example, police and military use robots with cameras to enter dangerous ares to look for criminals. They also clean unclear waste and find bombs and weapons. They are also applied in rescuing people from accidents like fires.

People apply robots to exploration. They are used to explore places that are much too dangerous or impossible for human.For example, volcanos that people cannot get close to and other planets like Mars.

Another common use of robots is medical assistant.For example, robots sometimes perform surgeries that are too difficult or impossible for doctors. The doctor controls the robot and the robot does the work.

Scientists have also developed robotic body parts for people who lost their arms, legs, or feet because of sickness or injuries. Those robotic parts can be attached to a person’s body and controlled by the person’s mind.

Personal robots are also popular. For instance, many people use robots to vacuum their house or buy toy robot just to play with. Or as pets instead of dogs and cats.

Today, almost 4 million robots are used all over the world and that number is about to increase. They can help us at wok, do our homework, or take care of us when we are sick or old. But there is questions that many people may concern, “are they dangerous?” “will robots take our jobs?” “Will they start to learn and think?”, those are questions that we should think about.


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