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北美作业代写:The diversification of enterprise management

2018-09-13 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The diversification of enterprise management,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业的多元化经营。随着经济的蓬勃发展,企业得到了突飞猛进的发展,多元化经营已经成为了企业进行规模扩张的必然选择。多元化经营有利于分散风险,提高经营安全性,向前景好的新兴行业转移,并且促进企业原业务的发展。业能否通过多元化经营获得范围经济,关键是要看企业是否能够由此获得协同效应。

enterprise management,企业多元化经营,essay代写,作业代写,代写

Diversification strategy refers to the business strategy of adding new products or businesses based on existing business areas. According to the degree of correlation between existing business areas and new business areas, diversification strategy can be divided into related diversification and unrelated diversification.

Related diversification refers to that although the business developed by an enterprise has new characteristics, it has strategic adaptability with the existing business of the enterprise. They share common or similar characteristics in technology, technology, sales channels, marketing and products. According to the differences in "related content" between existing business and new business, related diversification can be divided into concentric diversification and horizontal diversification.

Concentric diversification refers to the development of new products by taking advantage of existing technologies, expertise and experience, increasing product categories and expanding business scope from the same center. Carmakers, for example, are ramping up tractor production; Refrigerator and air conditioner are two products with different USES but closely related production technology.

Horizontal diversification means that enterprises use the existing market and adopt different technologies to develop new products and increase product categories. For example, wahaha is positioned in the children market after its establishment, and the development of enterprises in the future also revolves around this target market. A toothpaste factory in liuzhou, which used to produce double-needle drug toothpaste, has increased the production of toothbrush, which is also a horizontal diversification strategy.

Unrelated diversification is also known as group diversification. In other words, the enterprise expands its business into other industries through acquisition and merger of investment in other industries. New products and new business have nothing to do with the existing business, technology and market of the enterprise. For example, in the 1980s, general electric company acquired American owners in insurance companies and American radio company, which brought the pure industrial production industry into financial service industry and television broadcasting industry.

Diversified management is beneficial to disperse risks and improve business security. For example, if an enterprise's production and operation activities are limited to a certain product or concentrated in a certain industry, it will be risky. Therefore, some enterprises have adopted diversification. For example, companies that produce consumer durables concurrently operate food processing industries with relatively stable returns to diversify risks and enhance resilience to the external environment.

Diversification is conducive to the transfer of enterprises to promising emerging industries. Enterprises shall carry out diversified operations and expand to emerging industries on the original basis. One is to alleviate the competitive pressure in the original market; the other is to gradually transfer from industries with slow growth and low yield to those with high yield. For example, American textile company Tex., due to its low capital yield and vulnerability to economic recession, has turned to other industries to invest, gradually becoming a mixed large company.

Diversification is conducive to the development of the original business. The function of promoting the development of original business can be achieved by expanding service projects through diversified operation. For example, the largest Japanese printing company, while continuing to run the printing industry, expanded its business to include international sports conferences, national product exhibitions, customer market research and intelligence services. These new businesses are inseparable from printing, not only to provide an annual growth rate of 10 to 20 percent of revenue, but also the company to subsidize some of the printing sector to win.

Whether an enterprise can obtain the scope economy through diversified operation depends on whether it can obtain the synergistic effect. Synergistic effect refers to the economic benefit generated due to the complementarity of technology and economy of different products. The synergistic effect usually comes from the operation of multiple products by enterprises, which can make full use of the management resources, marketing system, technological potential or enterprise culture already possessed by the company. Therefore, the more the enterprise organizes the operation of its products around its own advantages, the more successful the diversification strategy will be. Diversified business should focus on the technical, marketing or organizational relationship between projects and products. Successful diversified business should have clear technological core and market core. Core competitiveness is the key to enterprises' competitive advantage.

Diversification is a strategic choice of an enterprise under certain conditions. If the enterprise strategy is operated properly, it will bring profit and growth space to the enterprise. However, if these conditions are not met, the enterprise will face serious consequences of losses.

To implement diversified operations, enterprises hope to use the conditions such as talents and resources to develop diversified products, so as to create more star businesses to meet the diversity of market demands, so as to better improve economic efficiency. Latitude but as a result of enterprise management and capital, technology, manpower, marketing and other aspects of the resources are limited, if more than the limit, can lead to inefficient management, many enterprises due to blindly pursue the diversification of business, not only have no healthy development, on the contrary make their main advantage is lost, so as to bring down the business, discard the professional, is very famous original advantage of the products also contributed to the decline in the quality, by chang hysteresis.

To sum up, diversification is one of the important ways for enterprises to achieve sustainable development, and it plays a more important role in the growth of enterprises in developing countries, especially in some large and medium-sized enterprises, which has significantly exceeded the professional operation mode. Therefore, in terms of business strategy, the enterprise should make scientific understanding and grasp according to its own conditions, market situation, product sales, raw material supply and other aspects, so as to gain a firm foothold in the market and constantly develop and expand.


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