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Revolution in Iran and the 2nd Cold War--澳洲留学生Essay代写范文

2016-10-13 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文

澳洲留学生Essay代写范文:“Revolution in Iran and the 2nd Cold War”,这篇论文主要描述的是在1979年伊朗爆发了革命,人们通过革命的方式推翻了巴列维统治下的君主立宪制王朝,并成立了伊斯兰共和国将其取代,这次革命引来了世界上许多专家学者的关注,也可以说这次的革命让世界上许多历史学家感到错愕,认为在还不具备革命条件的伊朗却完成了一次伟大的革命,这是一件非常有趣的事情。

essay代写,Iranian revolution,留学生作业代写,history essay,论文代写

The revolution in Iran in 1979 means the events that overthrown the political control of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi which refers to the Pahlavi dynasty (Arjomand, 1988). In that period of time, Pahlavi dynasty was supported by the USA, who was finally replaced by the Islamic republic. The revolution has aroused the interest of many experts in the world, for the conditions of this revolution were not so enough at all. 

1.The knowledge of the second cold war

The second cold war means a period of time when the conflicts and tensions of the Cold War were reawaked between the late 1970s and early 1980s (Zubok, 1996). The main powers of the two sides increased to a great degree and tended to be more of military.  

2.0The changes of Iran in the revolution

2.1The changes of the institutions in Iran during the second cold war

In the time period of the second cold war, the United States split with Iran. Iranians and Americans left Isfahan and other cities of Iran.  

The demonstrations, protests and strikes became more and more crazy. There were some changes in Isfahan ( Amuzgar, 1991). In the year of 1978, most Americans left from the city. The contracts of military commodities and services also disappeared. The presence of western companies and the American consumer also left from this city, which has been the most important groups increasingly promoting the development of the local economy. Lots of Iranian professionals fled from Iran and they also took the financial capital away.

Since Iran went break with the USA, it became more and more likely to estimate other methods to develop the urban areas of Iran. Before the revolution in Iran, the liberal grans strategy of the USA was not so explicit in the world, but in the period of time between the 1940s and 1970s, the ideals of America were quite implicit among the presence of US in Iran.

The changes of the institutions in Iran happened in 1979, which means an obvious break with the previous politics. It was an opportunity to facilitate new options. In Iran, various dissimilar ways were implemented to deal with the domestic and foreign policies of Iran. Some sanctions were also formulated. All these changes indicated that improved elements would also affect the urban environment of the country to a large extent. 

The changes in the institution were caused by the revolution lead by Ayatollah Khomeini. In 1979, the appointment of a Provisional Government was an important incident (Hussain, 2005). The Government would be leaded by Mehdi Bazargan. The setup of the Cabinet was mainly formed by western religious liberals and technicians. An Islamic Komitehs and Revolutionary Council also appeared and they were controlled by the fundamentalist faction of the clerical establishment.    

The changes of the institution also met with the opposition of many people. After Khomeini came back to Iran two months later, he proclaimed the found of the republic On April 1st, 1979.

2.2The birth of a republic country

It was really a breakthrough to establish the republic. It was necessary to adopt new constitution after the birth of the republic country. The main aim of the fundamental institutions was to ensure the continuous control of the government led by the Shi’a Muslim clergy (Johnston, 2010).

The nature of the leadership of Iran has great effects on the social cultural basement and the institutions of politics.

Firstly, it was quite different from the constitution of 1906 in which the source of authority and legitimacy was the national will. However, God was the basis of the political authority and legitimacy and in the Holy Qur’, the divine law was offered (Ervand, 1982). If the provisions of the constitution in 1906 were applied loyally, even though most Iranians had supported it, there would be no legislation opposed to the Islamic law passed. 

Secondly, the Islamic regime gave up all the references to Iran as a nation. Instead, it chose to lay emphasis on the Umat-al-Islam. As a result, the Islamic nations of nation, race, ethnicity and state became predominate. The new regime also aimed to develop the tendencies of nationalist and tried to clear off all the presence of the Iran’s pre-Islamic culture (Gaddis, 2005).

In conclusion, the new constitution had influences on all the conditions of the economic life, society, and politics. Purposeful shifts in the orientation of the foreign policies of the country became quite essential. 

3.0The importance of Iran in the second cold war

3.1The location of Iran

The location of Iran was an important factor in the second cold war. It locates between the Persian Gulf and the USSR. It has a great value in the military strategy. In the second cold war, the USSR and the United states had unfriendly relationship between each other. The tensions between the two countries also had effects on the development of Iran. The domestic conditions in Iran were quite local in origin, until the beginning of the second cold war. The economic and political policies of Shah were objected inside the country (Roberts, 2006). However, the depth of this issue was noticed by the decision makers of America. The revolutions also affected the USA to a great degree. The geographical location of Iran played an important role in the second cold war and at present.

3.2The oil resources of Iran

Iran has a large amount of oil resources, which is an important part of the economic conditions. The economy of Iran is developed with the support of the abundant oil resources. In the second cold war, the oil resources of Iran

During the second cold war, the war between Iran and Iraq broke out. However, this war had no relation to the conflicts between the East and West. It was provoked by the local disputes. The USA, in order to protect the oil flow from the Gulf and decided to prevent the USSR from obtaining impacts in the region. The influences of the war were lasting for many years (LaFeber, 2002). One result was that the leaders in the revolution of Iran could link the cause to the nation’s survival. The cold war has passed for more than 20 years, but the USA now continues to face the circumstances in Iran that produced in the crucial period of time.  However, the desperate need of the oil resources does not change.

4.0The relationship between Iran and the United States in the 2ed Cold War

In the second cold war, the Iran revolution seemed that lots of Americans to indicate the loss of Iran to Soviet effects. The loss was increased by the invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR in 1979 . The relationship between Iran and the United States in the 2ed Cold War was really complex.

The development of Iran depended on the USA to some degree, and the USA was in need of the oil resources of Iran. As a result, the relation between the two countries became more unstable during the revolution of Iran.


This paper has analyzed the revolution of Iran and the second cold war in detail. The discussions on Iran and the second cold war are popular nowadays. It is necessary to know some knowledge on the second cold war and the revolution. The birth of the republic country has played an important role in history. Revolution, to some degree, is a type of progression. The changes resulted by the revolution during the second cold war has influences on the political relations in the world. The location and the oil resources of Iran are essential. The relationship between Iran and the United States in the 2ed Cold War was complicated and needs more deeply researches.


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